Well, I don’t know much about these fancy city things, but they tell me this Linda C. Black, she’s the one folks go to for them horoscopes. You know, stars and all that. My old man, he used to say, “The only stars I care about are the ones shinin’ on a clear night for fishin’.” But times are different now, I guess.
So, this Linda, or her daughter Nancy now, they look at them stars and tell ya what’s gonna happen. Sounds like a load of hogwash to me, but some folks swear by it. They say it helps ‘em with their love life, their work, all sorts of things. Me? I just get up, do my chores, and hope for the best. Never needed no stars to tell me the chickens needed feedin’.

What them stars supposedly tell ya
Now, from what I gather, these horoscopes, they’re different for each…what they call ‘em…zodiac sign. Sounds complicated if you ask me. There’s this Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus…Lord, too many to remember. Like names of fancy racehorses, not people. Each one’s supposed to have its own…vibe, I guess. Some are fiery, some are watery, some are…earthy? Sounds like my garden after a good rain.
And they say some signs get along better than others. Like fire and air, they make hot air, whatever that means. And water and earth, they make mud. Well, that much I understand. Too much water in the garden, and you get nothin’ but mud. Seems like common sense to me, no need for stars to figure that out.
- Fire signs: They say these folks are…active. Always on the go, like a rooster chasin’ a hen.
- Water signs: These ones are…receptive? I guess that means they listen more than they talk. Like a good dog, just happy to be around.
- Earth signs: Now, these are probably the sensible ones. Down to earth, like me. They know the value of hard work and a good meal.
- Air signs: These are the thinkers, I reckon. Always got their head in the clouds. Probably forget where they put their spectacles half the time.
Linda C. Black’s daughter and keeping the legacy alive.
Now, this Linda, she ain’t around no more, bless her soul. But her daughter, Nancy, she’s taken up the mantle, as they say. Carryin’ on the family business of star-gazin’. Some folks say she’s just as good as her mama, maybe even better. I don’t know about that. Seems to me, lookin’ at the stars is lookin’ at the stars. Ain’t no magic to it, just…lookin’. But they do say Nancy’s good at interpreting the stars for our everyday lives with stuff like work, love and just general advice.
And they say Nancy, she’s on somethin’ called Twitter. City folks and their gadgets! Always fiddlin’ with them phones and such. I reckon she puts her horoscopes up there for everyone to see. If you’re into that sort of thing, I guess you can go take a gander. Just don’t expect me to understand it. I’m more of a “look at the sky and feel if it’s gonna rain” kind of gal.
So, what’s the point of it all?
Well, I reckon these horoscopes, they give some folks comfort. A little somethin’ to hold onto in this crazy world. They like to think the stars have a plan for ‘em. Me? I think we make our own plan. We get up, we work hard, we treat folks right. That’s the best way to live, stars or no stars. But hey, if reading about your zodiac sign makes you happy, then go right ahead. Just don’t forget to feed the chickens, alright? Cause them chickens don’t care about no stars, they just want their corn.
Anyways, if you want to know what the stars have in store for you today you look at them daily horoscopes but don’t forget, they also say some days are just better than others. They even give them a rating and the higher the number, like all the way to 10, then that’s supposed to be the easiest day. Lord, I wish everyday was a 10!
Tags: [Linda C. Black, Nancy Black, horoscopes, daily horoscope, zodiac signs, astrology, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, stars, predictions, love, work]