Okay, so I got into this whole tarot card thing a while back. It’s pretty wild, the way these cards can kind of mirror what’s going on in your life, or at least make you think about things in a new way. Anyway, I pulled the 2 of Clubs the other day, and it got me thinking.
I started by looking up what people generally say about it. You know how it is, a lot of different interpretations out there. But the main thing that kept popping up was this idea of communication and partnerships. Made sense, I guess. Two is a number about balance and joining forces, right?

So I started to apply it to my own deal. I spread out the cards, just a simple three-card draw for past, present, and future. The 2 of Clubs landed in the present position. “Okay,” I thought, “what kind of partnerships am I dealing with right now?”
My Current Partnerships:
- Work: I’m working on this big project with a team of people. We’ve been having some issues.
- Relationship: Things with my girlfriend have been a little rocky lately.
- Personal Project: I have a side project going, I want to try to get it to work well.
I spent a good chunk of time just looking at the card and thinking about my different collaborations. How are we communicating? Are we really working together, or is it more like a bunch of people doing their own thing? It got me really thinking about that project.
After thinking about it for a while, I decided to act. At work, I scheduled a team meeting. We had a really honest conversation about what was working and what wasn’t. It was a little tough, but I think it cleared the air and I started to try to get a better relationship with my girlfriend. And I do my best to continue working on my personal project to figure out if I need some help from others.
Honestly, pulling that 2 of Clubs card was a good kick in the pants. It made me stop and really examine how I was interacting with others. I’m not saying tarot cards are magic, but they can definitely be a useful tool for self-reflection and figuring stuff out in your life.