Alright, alright, let’s talk about this 2024 tarot spread thing. I ain’t no fancy card reader, ya know? Just a plain ol’ woman tryin’ to make sense of things, same as you. But I heard some folks talkin’ ’bout these cards and how they can tell ya a bit about what’s comin’ down the road, so I figured, why not? Let’s give it a whirl.
Now, from what I gather, there’s all sorts of ways to lay out these cards. Some folks do seven cards, some do five, some even do a whole mess of ’em! Sounds complicated, right? But don’t you fret none. We’ll keep it simple.

The Big Spread for the Year
See, I heard tell of a big spread for the whole year. They call it somethin’ fancy, but I just call it the “year-ahead” spread. Makes more sense, don’t it? Anyways, it uses seven cards, and the first one, she lays down flat, like she’s sleepin’. That first card, that’s the one tellin’ ya what’s comin’ in the first bit of the year. Like, January to, I dunno, April or somethin’. It’s all a guess anyway, ain’t it?
- Card 1: What’s comin’ early in the year? Good stuff? Bad stuff? Who knows!
- Card 2: This one’s your strong point. What ya got goin’ for ya? Maybe you’re good at bakin’ pies, or maybe you’re just stubborn as a mule. Either way, it’s somethin’.
- Card 3: Uh oh, here comes trouble! This card is the challenge, the thing that’s gonna trip ya up. But hey, forewarned is forearmed, right?
- Card 4: This here card, it’s all about your feelin’s. What’s goin’ on in that heart of yours? Happy? Sad? Grumpy? It’ll tell ya, maybe.
- Card 5: This is what you gotta do, the action you gotta take. Like, maybe the card says you need to go plant some tomatoes, or maybe it says you need to tell that loudmouth neighbor to hush up.
- Card 6: This one’s about the folks around ya. Your family, your friends, even that stray cat that keeps hangin’ around your porch. They matter too, ya know.
- Card 7: And finally, this is the big picture. Where it all leads. The end of the story, so to speak. Or maybe just the end of the year. Like I said, it’s all a guess.
Now, I ain’t gonna sit here and tell ya what each card *means*. That’s for them fancy books and them fancy readers. But I can tell ya this: every card is different, and they all got their own story to tell. Some cards are happy, some are sad, some are just plain confusing. But that’s life, ain’t it?
Other Ways to Read the Cards
Some folks, they just wanna know about the next few months. They don’t care about the whole year. And that’s fine too. There’s spreads for that. I heard of one with five cards, just for the month. December, they said. That Knight of Cups fella, he’s supposed to be important in that one. Reminds ya to be nice, or somethin’ like that. And there’s this other one, they call it the Celtic Cross. Sounds complicated, but it’s supposed to tell ya about all sorts of things in your life. Too much for my old brain, if ya ask me.
And then there’s this talk about a special card for the whole year. Strength, they call it. Seems like they added up the numbers in 2024 and got eight, and Strength is the eighth card. Makes about as much sense as anything else these days. This Strength card, it’s supposed to be about findin’ balance in your life. Not too much of this, not too much of that. Just right. Like Goldilocks and the porridge, ya know? But it’s also about havin’ the strength to deal with whatever life throws at ya. And believe me, life throws a lot of stuff.

What the Cards Can and Can’t Do
Now, don’t go thinkin’ these cards can tell ya the future like some kinda crystal ball. They ain’t magic. They just give ya a little nudge, a little somethin’ to think about. They might tell ya what’s likely to happen in the next few months, maybe even six months if you’re lucky. But after that, it’s all blurry. They can give ya the highlights, the big important stuff, but they ain’t gonna tell ya every little detail. And they sure ain’t gonna tell you the lottery numbers, so don’t even ask.
And this Temperance card, it’s another one they talk about. About bein’ balanced, ya know? Good health, they say. Mind, body, and soul. Sounds good to me. We all could use a bit more balance in our lives, that’s for sure.
So, there ya have it. That’s my take on this 2024 tarot spread thing. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, but I hope this helps ya make a little sense of it all. And if it don’t, well, don’t blame me. Blame the cards!
Tags: [Tarot, 2024, Spread, Yearly Forecast, Card Reading, Divination]