Alright, let’s talk about this Chicago West, yeah? Kim and Kanye’s little girl. Born January 15th, 2018, they say. Now, I ain’t no fancy city slicker, but I heard folks talkin’ ’bout birth charts and stars and all that. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but what do I know, right? I’m just an old woman.
Anyways, they say this little gal, Chicago, she’s a Capricorn. That’s a sea-goat, they tell me. Sounds kinda stubborn, if you ask me. Like them goats on my cousin Billy’s farm, always tryin’ to eat the clothes off the line. But people who know about these things, they say Capricorns are hardworking and all that. Maybe so. This little Chicago, she probably ain’t never had to work a day in her life, though, being a rich kid and all.

They also talk about somethin’ called a moon sign. Hers is in Libra, they say. Now, Libra’s supposed to be about balance and harmony. Kinda like tryin’ to keep a chicken coop clean, always somethin’ messin’ it up. So maybe this little girl’s got a bit of sweetness to her, tryin’ to keep things peaceful. Who knows?
- They got these charts, see? Drawings with all sorts of lines and symbols. Looks like a chicken scratched on a piece of paper to me.
- But folks say these charts can tell you all sorts of things about a person. Their personality, their future, all that jazz.
- I reckon it’s like lookin’ at the weather. You can see the clouds comin’, but you don’t really know if it’s gonna rain ’til it rains.
Some folks, they talk about somethin’ called a “Grand Cross” in these charts. Sounds important, like somethin’ you’d find at a church. They say it’s real rare, happens when four planets line up all fancy-like. Makes a square shape, they say. Now, I ain’t seen Chicago’s chart, but if she’s got one of them Grand Crosses, I guess it means somethin’ big. Maybe she’ll be a president or somethin’. Or maybe it just means she’ll spill her milk at dinner.
There’s this whole thing about different kinds of charts too. Vedic charts and Western charts. Sounds like a bunch of city folk arguin’ over whose map is better. One uses the stars, the other uses some other kinda measurement. To me, it’s all just stars. Pretty to look at on a clear night, but I don’t see how they tell you about a baby’s life. But hey, what do I know?
Now, this little Chicago, she was born in 2018. That’s the year of the Dog, accordin’ to them Chinese folks. Dogs are loyal, they say. Maybe that’s true. My old Bessie, she was the best dog a body could ask for. Always there, waggin’ her tail, even when I was grumpy. So maybe this little girl’s got a bit of that loyalty in her too.
People make a big fuss over these birth charts, I tell ya. They plug in the date and time and place somebody was born, and out pops all this information. They say it helps you understand yourself or your kids or whatever. Maybe so. But I always figured the best way to understand someone is to just talk to ’em. Sit down, have a cup of coffee, and listen to what they gotta say. That’s how you get to know a person, not by lookin’ at some fancy drawings. But that’s just me, I guess. I’m old-fashioned.
But, you know, people like to have somethin’ to believe in. Somethin’ to make sense of the world. If these birth charts give ’em comfort, well, I ain’t gonna knock it. Maybe there’s somethin’ to it, maybe there ain’t. All I know is that little Chicago West is just a little girl, growin’ up in a world that’s way different than the one I knew. And I hope she has a good life, with or without the stars tellin’ her what to do.

So that’s what I know ’bout this Chicago West and her birth chart. Not much, really. Just a bunch of talk about goats and scales and dogs and crosses. Like I said, it sounds like a bunch of hooey to me. But who am I to judge? I’m just an old lady, watchin’ the world go by.
Tags: Chicago West, Birth Chart, Astrology, Capricorn, Libra, Grand Cross, Vedic Chart, Western Chart, Chinese Zodiac