Alright, so you wanna know about this fishy love stuff in 2023, right? Okay, okay, lemme tell ya what I heard. This year’s supposed to be a big one for love, especially for you Pisces folks. Big, like, bigger than that prize-winning pumpkin down at the county fair, you hear?

For those already hitched up or with a steady someone…
Well, the stars are sayin’ it’s a good time to, you know, make things even better. Like, if you been havin’ little tiffs about who does the dishes or takes out the trash, now’s the time to sit down and figure it out. No more sulking like a wet hen! Talk it out, like grown-ups. And hey, maybe even spice things up a bit! Go on a little trip, just the two of ya. Remember that nice little B&B over by the lake? Yeah, somethin’ like that.
- Talkin’ things out is key. No more holdin’ grudges.
- Do somethin’ fun together. Shake things up a bit!
- And listen, be nice to each other. A little kindness goes a long way, you know?
Now, they’re sayin’ the first few months, up till about April, that’s the real sweet spot for gettin’ hitched. So, if you been thinkin’ about poppin’ the question, or waitin’ for him to get off his duff and do it, well, this might be the time. But after April, things might get a little… squirrelly. So, get a move on, I say!
And what about all you single Pisceans out there?
Don’t you worry, the stars ain’t forgettin’ about you. They’re sayin’ the beginning of the year, up ‘til February, is gonna be a real humdinger for findin’ someone special. So, get yourself out there! Go to that church social, join that book club, or heck, just strike up a conversation with the cute fella at the grocery store. You never know where you might find your next sweetheart.
But hold your horses!

They’re also sayin’ you gotta be careful. Don’t just jump into anythin’ headfirst. Take it slow, you know? Get to know the person. Make sure they ain’t one of them no-good types. You don’t want no drama, believe me. I had enough drama in my life to fill a whole soap opera, and let me tell ya, it ain’t worth it.
And who might this special someone be? Well, the stars are pointin’ towards a few signs: Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn, and even another Pisces. So, keep your eyes peeled for folks born under those signs. But remember, it ain’t just about the stars. It’s about findin’ someone who makes you laugh, someone who’s kind and good, and someone who loves you just the way you are, wrinkles and all.
Now, they say somethin’ about listenin’ to your dreams and daydreams. Like, if you keep dreamin’ about picnics in the park, maybe that’s a sign you should go on a picnic! Or if you keep seein’ a certain someone in your mind’s eye, maybe that’s a sign you should give ‘em a call. It sounds a little woo-woo to me, but hey, what do I know? I’m just an old lady tellin’ you what I heard.
And here’s a little somethin’ for every day:
Even if you got a little squabble with your sweetie, don’t let it ruin your day. Just let it go, be happy, and enjoy the good times together. Tell ‘em how you feel, and things’ll work out alright. Don’t be holdin’ back, speak your mind, and good things will come.
So, there ya have it. That’s the lowdown on love for Pisces in 2023, as far as I can tell. Sounds like it’s gonna be a pretty good year for romance, if you ask me. Just remember to be open, be honest, and be yourself. And don’t forget to have a little fun along the way. Life’s too short to be serious all the time, ain’t it?

Oh, and one more thing, they’re already talkin’ about 2024! Said somethin’ about deep connections for you Pisces folks. So, if you don’t find someone this year, don’t worry, there’s always next year! But that’s a story for another day.
Tags: [Pisces, Love, Horoscope, 2023, Relationships, Romance, Singles, Couples, Astrology, Predictions]