You see, this thing, what they call it, the chinois horoscope, it’s like our old farmer’s calendar, telling you what’s what with the stars and all that.
They say it’s real accurate, like 70 to 80 out of 100, you know? Some old timers, they get it right like 90 out of 100 times. My, that is something, that chinois horoscope.

This chinois horoscope, it’s all about them animals. Not like them pictures of the sun you see in them fancy magazines. This here’s a whole different thing, you see. Not like them western stuff, it is based on the position of the sun, but that chinois horoscope, no, no.
They got this wheel, with twelve animals, and each one stands for a year. You born in that year, you like that animal. It is very important, you know, the zodiac, it is like a mirror, you see, mirror of the old ways, old thinking.
So if you a Rat, you smart and quick, always getting into things. They say Rat people are kind, can do many things. That is what they say about the chinois horoscope.
- Rat: They say you’re quick-witted, always got an idea, can do many things, and kind.
- Ox: Now the Ox, they strong and steady, you can always count on them. Work hard, that’s the Ox.
- Tiger: Tiger, oh, they brave and sure of themselves, always looking for a fight.
This chinois horoscope, it’s all about them animals. They say it can tell you about your life, your luck.
Now, there’s this thing, they call it, this “Ba Zi”. Sounds like some fancy soup, don’t it? But it’s some kind of chart, like them star charts. You gotta put in when you were born, where you were born, all that stuff. Then this thing, it spits out a chart. That chart is your chinois horoscope.
They say it can tell you all sorts of things. If you’re gonna be rich, if you’re gonna find a good man or woman, if you’re gonna have lots of young’uns. You see, if you are gonna be healthy, all those things about life.

And your fingers, they say your fingers tell a story too. Like them lines on your hand, but these are them swirly things at the tips. Loops, they call ’em. If you got loops on all your fingers, oh boy, you are something. That’s what they say, anyway. These things all tie to the chinois horoscope.
This chinois horoscope, it’s been around a long time. Longer than I been alive, that’s for sure. Folks been using it to figure things out, to make sense of the world. It is not some new thing. It has been there all the time.
They say it helps you understand yourself better. Like looking in a mirror, but this mirror, it shows you more than just your face. It shows your heart, your spirit, all them things you can’t see with your eyes. That is the power of the chinois horoscope, they said.
Now, I don’t know all the ins and outs of it. It’s a complicated thing, this chinois horoscope. But I seen it work. I seen folks find their way because of it. They understand their life better with this chinois horoscope.
Like old Mrs. Chen, she always said her youngest, born in the year of the Dragon, was gonna be special. And sure enough, he went off and did big things. She always pointed to that chinois horoscope, said it told her so.
And then there’s young Li, always getting into trouble, always restless. Turns out, he’s a Horse. They say Horses need to run, need to be free. Makes sense, don’t it? That is how the chinois horoscope works.

So, this chinois horoscope, it ain’t just some silly game. It’s a way of understanding, a way of knowing. It’s like them old stories we tell, passed down from our folks, and their folks before them. There is wisdom in it, you see.
You look at them animals, you see a bit of yourself in them. You see your strengths, your weaknesses. You see where you been, and maybe, just maybe, where you’re going. That’s what that chinois horoscope can do for you.
It is not magic, but it is like a guide, you know. Like a map. A map of you. If you want to know yourself, you can use this chinois horoscope.