This here’s about them hardest astrology transits, like them stars and planets up there, what they call in that lindaland astrology. Lordy, it’s a mess up there, just like it is down here sometimes.
Them Bad Houses – 8th and 12th
They got these things, 8th house and 12th house. Old-timey folks called them bad houses. Why? ‘Cause folks don’t like being alone, and nobody likes it when someone they love goes to the other side. These 8th and 12th house transits, sometimes they just hard. That’s all there is to it. When them planets move through, it feels like being stuck in the mud.

- 8th house – That’s like when a storm comes and you lose a part of your best crops. Make you feel sad, hard to handle.
- 12th house – That’s like when you’re all alone, no one to talk to. Just you and your thoughts. And sometimes them thoughts ain’t pretty.
When the Good Planets Meet
But then you got Venus and Jupiter. They say those two are the luckiest ones. When they get together, it’s like winning the lottery and the best harvest you ever had. Suddenly, everything feels right. You look around and see all the good things, and you’re just thankful.
It’s a good time for love, for making things, for being with folks, for celebrating good things that happened. It’s like the sun shining after a long rain. Best time for romance. You know, like when you see them young’uns courting, all smiles and sweetness.
That Midlife Muddle
Then there’s this midlife transit thing. Happens when you ain’t so young no more, in your 30s and 40s. That’s when them planets start stirring the pot, making big changes in your life. Hard transits bring changes. Like when you gotta sell the old cow ’cause she ain’t giving milk no more. It’s hard, but you gotta do it.
They say there are four of these midlife transits:
- Pluto square – It’s like a big fight in the family. Lots of yelling and things breaking.
- Neptune square – That’s when you’re lost in the fog, can’t see where you’re going.
- Uranus opposition – That’s like when everything you thought was true turns out to be a lie. Shakes you up real good.
Getting Through the Tough Times
So, how do you deal with these hard transits? Well, there is a way. They say, Jupiter and Pluto can help. When a tough transit is coming, it’s like when you know a big storm is brewing. You gotta prepare. You gotta batten down the hatches, make sure everything is secure.
Astrology is just like the weather. Sometimes it’s sunny, sometimes it’s stormy. You can’t stop the storm, but you can get ready for it. You talk about what’s happening, you figure out what you need, and you hold on tight. You can find your personal growth goals, even in bad transits. That’s the secret. Be prepared, be ready, don’t be afraid.

If you know about this stuff, predictive astrology they call it, you can see these hard times coming. It’s like seeing dark clouds on the horizon. You know rain’s coming, so you get your umbrella.
Dealing with Others
Sometimes these transits, they mess with how you get along with other folks. Conflicts with others, that’s a big one. Like when two roosters get in a fight. Ain’t pretty, feathers flying everywhere.
You might have a hard time with folks, especially if you got a hard Neptune transit. That one’s tricky. Makes you see things that ain’t there, makes you misunderstand people. Like when you think you see a ghost, but it’s just a sheet on the clothesline. You feel confused. Hard Neptune transits make you feel confused.
Moon’s Doing Its Thing
And then there’s that waning progressed moon. That’s another one of them hard times. It’s like when the moon is getting smaller and smaller in the sky. Makes you feel tired, like you’re running out of steam. Waning progressed moon make you feel tired.
Talking ‘Bout Them Planets
Now, these transits, they’re about them planets up in the sky. What they do, how they move, it’s like a big dance up there. And this dance, it affects us down here. It’s like when the river floods. It affects everyone downstream. Planets affect everyone. That’s how it is with these transits. They affect everyone, in different ways.
If you been watching this astrology stuff for a while, you start to see patterns. It’s like watching the seasons change. You know what’s coming next. Spring, summer, fall, winter, it is always like that. You learn to expect certain things during certain transits. Astrology has patterns.

The Stars Up There
Stars up there just going around and around. It is something, ain’t it? How they just keep moving, never stopping. And somehow, that affects us down here. It’s like a big mystery. But it’s a mystery folks have been trying to figure out for a long, long time. Since them old times. Stars affect us. That’s what they say. And I reckon they’re right.