Okay, so today I wanna talk about something that’s been on my mind a lot lately – pregnancy transits in astrology. Yeah, you heard that right. It all started a few months ago when my best friend, let’s call her Sarah, was trying to conceive. She was getting a bit stressed about it, and being the astrology nerd that I am, I offered to look into her chart to see if there was anything interesting going on.
So I pulled up her birth chart, and started looking at the transits, you know, where the planets are now compared to where they were when she was born. I was specifically looking at the movements of Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon because I read somewhere that they are significant in pregnancy predictions. They say that when these planets transit our 5th house or aspect its ruler, chances are higher for conception. I was curious, so I dug deeper.

First, I checked her 5th house, which is all about children and creation. It was empty, but that’s not a deal-breaker. Then, I looked at the ruler of her 5th house, which was Mercury in her case. I tracked the transits of Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon to see when they would make a positive aspect to her natal Mercury. I also paid attention to her natal Venus since it’s the planet of love and fertility.
I noticed that Jupiter was going to conjunct her natal Venus in a few months, and I got really excited. I told Sarah about it, and she was hopeful but didn’t want to get her hopes up too high. After a while, I also found that the Moon was going to transit her 5th house around the same time, which was another good sign.
- Generated Sarah’s birth chart using her birth date, time, and location.
- Identified her 5th house and its ruling planet.
- Tracked the current positions of Jupiter, Venus, and the Moon.
- Looked for upcoming transits where these planets would aspect her 5th house ruler or natal Venus.
- Analyzed the aspects (conjunctions, trines, etc.) to see if they were favorable.
- Noted the dates and times of these transits.
Here’s what I specifically did step-by-step:
Guess what? A few months later, Sarah called me with the good news – she was pregnant! It was around the time when both Jupiter and the Moon were activating those areas in her chart. Of course, I’m not saying it was all because of the stars, but it was a pretty cool coincidence, right?
This whole experience got me hooked. I started looking at other friends’ charts who were also trying to conceive, and I kept seeing similar patterns. It’s not an exact science, but it’s definitely interesting to see how these planetary movements seem to correlate with major life events like pregnancy.
Now, I’m not a professional astrologer or anything, but I find this stuff fascinating. It’s like a fun hobby. So, if you’re into astrology and trying to conceive, it might be worth checking out your transits. Just remember, it’s all for fun, and don’t take it as gospel. But who knows, maybe the stars have something to say about your baby journey!
This whole journey has been eye-opening, and I continue to track and learn more every day. Astrology is a vast field, and I’m just scratching the surface. So take this as just my personal experience, and let me know if you’ve had similar experiences!