This here thing, this Jim Maynard Astrological Calendar, Lordy, it’s somethin’ else. I heard folks talkin’, goin’ on about it, so I had to see for myself. Now, I ain’t no fancy pants, and I don’t know nothin’ about them stars and planets and such, but this here calendar, it’s got all that stuff in it. This Jim guy, he must be a smart one.
They say this calendar, this Jim Maynard one, it’s been around. A long, long time. Like, longer than I can remember. Forty-six years, someone said! Can you believe that? Forty-six years of this stuff. People been using this astrological calendar forever it seems like.

So, I got me one. It’s a little book, you know, fits right in your pocket. You can take it with you everywhere. And it’s got all them dates, and then it’s got all these little symbols and lines and I don’t know what all. But it tells you about the moon. Yeah, the moon. When it’s gonna be full, when it’s gonna be new, all that.
- It tells you about the moon!
- It’s been around for 46 years!
- It fits in your pocket!
And then there’s more! It tells you where the moon is, what it means. Now, that part I don’t rightly understand. But it sounds important. Like, if the moon is here, you should do this, and if it’s over there, you should do that. It’s all a bit much for me, but I reckon it’s good to know, right?
This Jim Maynard’s calendar, it ain’t got no dirty pictures or nothin’ like that. Nope. Just a whole heap of information. Lots and lots of it. About them planets and stars, like I said. He calls ’em “celestial guides” or some such. Fancy words, huh?
They say this astrological calendar, this Jim Maynard one, it’s the most popular. Everybody’s got one, it seems. Well, maybe not everybody, but a lot of folks. And they all swear by it. They say it helps ’em. Helps ’em with what, I ain’t too sure. But they say it helps.
So, if you’re into that sort of thing, that astrology stuff, you might wanna get yourself one of these Jim Maynard Astrological Calendars. It’s got everything you could ever want to know about them stars and planets. And it’s easy to read. Well, the dates are, anyway. The rest is still a bit of a mystery to me.
There is a part in this book that explains the whole astrology thing, I think. It’s at the start. It tries to tell you how to use this astrological calendar. It talks about the moon and all that, but honestly, my head started to spin. It’s simple for folks who understand this kind of stuff, I guess. I didn’t get it much.

They got these other calendars, I hear, but this Jim Maynard one, it’s the real deal. It’s got everything. I looked at some others. They are all about the same, all that moon and astrology stuff. But this one, it’s clear. You can see where the moon is, just like that! The words are big and bold.
I don’t know much about all this star stuff. But I know folks like it. They look at their Jim Maynard calendar every day. They say it helps them plan things. Like when to plant crops, or when to start a new job, or even when to get married. I guess that stuff matters to some people.
- People use it to plant crops!
- They use it to plan when to get married!
- They look at their calendar every day!
Now I ain’t sayin’ I believe all that. But I see folks usin’ it, and they seem happy enough. So, who am I to say it’s wrong? Maybe there’s somethin’ to it. Maybe them stars and planets do have some kind of power. I don’t know. But I got my Jim Maynard Astrological Calendar, and I’m gonna keep it. Just in case.
If you’re lookin’ for a good astrological calendar, this Jim Maynard one is the one to get. It’s got everything you need. And it’s easy to carry around. You can take it with you wherever you go. So you’ll always know what them stars and planets are up to. It’s a good thing to have, even if you don’t understand it all. Just like me.