Alright, so you wanna know about this tumblr astrology stuff, huh? Well, lemme tell ya, it ain’t rocket science, but it ain’t exactly plantin’ potatoes either. It’s all about them stars and planets and how they mess with our lives, or so they say. I ain’t no fancy professor, but I’ve heard things and seen a thing or two, so I’ll tell ya what I know.
First off, don’t go thinkin’ this is some newfangled thing. People been lookin’ at the sky for ages, tryin’ to figure out what it all means. Farmers used to plant by the moon, ya know. And sailors, they steered their boats by the stars. So this astrology thing, it’s just another way of lookin’ up and tryin’ to make sense of it all.

Now, on this here tumblr, you got all sorts of folks talkin’ about astrology. Some of ’em, they’re serious about it. They got charts and graphs and all sorts of fancy words. They talk about “natal charts” and “asteroids” and “degrees.” Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me sometimes, but some folks swear by it. They say your “Juno” tells ya a lot, whatever that means. And this “Lilith” thing, they say you gotta find it on some website called *. Sounds complicated, if you ask me.
Then you got other folks on tumblr, they just do it for fun. They ain’t tryin’ to be no experts. They just like to read their horoscopes and see if it fits. You know, like those things in the back of the newspaper? Says things like “You’re gonna meet a tall, dark stranger” or “You’re gonna come into some money.” Most of the time, it’s a load of baloney, but it’s fun to read anyway. It’s like readin’ them romance novels, you know? You don’t really believe it, but it’s a nice escape.
- One thing I’ve noticed, them tumblr folks, they like to talk about their “placements.”
- Like, if you got “Aries placements” in “Earth degrees,” that means somethin’ or other.
- They got all these different signs, too. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, all the way down to Pisces. Each one is supposed to be different, I guess.
Some folks say your sign tells ya what kind of person you are. Like, if you’re a Leo, you’re supposed to be all bossy and loud. And if you’re a Cancer, you’re supposed to be all emotional and sensitive. I don’t know about all that. I’ve met plenty of Leos who were quiet as mice, and plenty of Cancers who were tough as nails. So I take it all with a grain of salt, ya know?
But I reckon there’s somethin’ to it, this astrology stuff. I mean, look at the moon. It pulls the tides, don’t it? And it affects the animals, makes ’em act all crazy sometimes. So if the moon can do all that, why couldn’t the planets and stars affect us too? We’re all connected, in a way. We’re all part of the same big ol’ universe.
So if you wanna get into this tumblr astrology thing, go ahead. It ain’t gonna hurt nothin’. Just don’t take it too serious. And don’t let nobody tell you what you gotta believe. You gotta figure it out for yourself. Read some posts, look at some charts, and see what resonates with you, as them tumblr folks say. Maybe you’ll find somethin’ that helps you understand yourself a little better. Or maybe you’ll just have a good laugh. Either way, it’s all good.
But remember, these folks on tumblr, they ain’t always professionals. They’re just sharin’ their thoughts and observations. So take it with a grain of salt, like I said. Don’t go makin’ no big life decisions based on what some random person on the internet says. Use your own common sense, ya know? That’s the most important thing.

And one more thing, don’t go copyin’ other people’s stuff. That ain’t right. These folks on tumblr, they put a lot of work into their posts, so you gotta respect that. You can share their stuff, sure, but don’t go claimin’ it as your own. That’s just plain rude. And they get real upset if you repost or “plagiarize” their stuff, whatever that means.
So there you have it. That’s my take on this tumblr astrology thing. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, but I hope it helps you understand it a little better. Just remember to have fun with it, and don’t take it too serious. Life’s too short for that, ain’t it?
Tags: [Tumblr, Astrology, Horoscopes, Natal Chart, Zodiac Signs, Planets, Asteroids, Juno, Lilith, Observations, Personal Experience]