This year is Dragon year, you know? That dragon, yeah, that’s the one. My grandson, he’s a dragon. Big fella, full of beans. Always running around, that one. Reminds me of his grandpa, bless his soul. Always busy, always got something cooking.
So, this dragon thing, they say it’s about friends. Who gets along with who, you know? Like, my neighbor, she’s a rooster. Always squawking, that one. But she’s alright. Gets along with just about anyone. But not with dogs. Can’t stand ’em. Says they chase her chickens. Don’t blame her, really. Them dogs can be a menace.

These Chinese zodiac things, they got all sorts. Dragon, rooster, dog… like a whole farm up in here! They say the dragon, he’s the strong one. The big cheese. Smart, too. Like my grandson. He’s a smart cookie. Gonna be a big shot one day, you just wait and see.
They say dragons like rats. Funny, ain’t it? Big dragon, little rat. But they get along. And monkeys, too. Always up to mischief, them monkeys. And roosters, like my neighbor. But dogs? Nope. Dragons and dogs, they just don’t mix. Like oil and water, they say.
Snakes, now, they’re a different story. Sneaky, them snakes. But they’re good at making choices. Decisions, they call it. I ain’t good at them decisions. Always second-guessing myself. But a snake? They know what they want. And they get it, too. They say snakes and dragons get along. Both got that, you know, that fire in ’em.
This year, they say it’s a big year for dragons. But also, maybe not so good. My god’s son said something about bad luck. Tai Sui, he called it. Sounds like a sneeze, don’t it? But apparently, it means trouble. Like, fighting with your family, or getting sick, or losing money. Oh, I hope that don’t happen to my grandson. He don’t deserve no bad luck.
Dragon friends, they say, are roosters, rats, and monkeys. Good friends, them. They’ll stick by you, through thick and thin. Like my friend, Martha. She’s a monkey. Always chattering, that one. But she’s got a heart of gold. Always there for me, she is.
- Rooster, Rat, Monkey good for Dragon.
- Ox, Sheep bad for Dragon.
- Dragon likes Tiger and Snake too.
- Pig is ok with Dragon.
- Dog, Ox, Horse no good with Dragon.
Me, I’m an ox. Stubborn as a mule, they say. And I don’t get along with sheep. Always butting heads, us. But that’s just how it is. Can’t get along with everyone, can you? Got to have some disagreements, keeps things interesting, I suppose.

These Chinese zodiac things, they also say it’s about love. Who you gonna marry, that sort of thing. My husband, bless his soul, he was a tiger. Fierce, he was. But a good man. A good provider. Took care of me, he did. They say tigers and dragons get along. And we did. Most of the time, anyway.
There are calculators online. Says they tell you if it’ll work. For friends, love, all that stuff. You should look it up. Chinese Zodiac Compatibility, they call it. Or Chinese Zodiac Love Match. These young people with their internet. Back in my day, we just figured it out ourselves. Trial and error, you know?
Dragons, they’re full of ideas. Big ideas. My grandson, he’s got big ideas. Gonna change the world, he says. I believe him. He’s got that spark, you know? That dragon fire. That thing that says, don’t be scared to do what you want.
Dragon compatibility isn’t just about love, you know. It’s about business, too. Who you gonna work with, who you gonna trust. Important stuff. Can’t just go into business with anyone. Got to find the right people. People you can rely on. People who won’t stab you in the back. Like a good friend, you know? They say Dragon is best with Rat, Tiger, Snake, Monkey, and Pig for that stuff. But I say, just find someone who feels right for you. Trust your gut.
So, this dragon thing, it’s a big deal. Lots to it. Friends, love, work… all that stuff. But you know what? It’s just like anything else. You gotta find your people. The ones who get you. The ones who’ll stick by you. No matter what. Dragon, rooster, dog, whatever. It don’t matter. Just find your people. And hold on tight.