This here Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar, it’s somethin’ else, I tell ya! You see all them stars up there at night? Well, this here calendar, it tells ya all about ’em. It’s like a map of the sky, but way more complicated. Not like them regular calendars that just tell ya what day it is. This one, it tells ya about the stars and how they move around.
They got these things called “signs,” like, twelve of ’em. Each one’s got a name. Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer…oh, there’s a bunch. My memory ain’t what it used to be. But this calendar, it tells you all about ’em. Each of the signs got its own time, thirty days for each, like a month, and each one rules over a part of your life, they say. It’s all kinda like magic, if ya ask me, but some folks, they swear by it. It’s like knowing the weather before it happens, but for your life, not the crops.

And it ain’t just the signs. This astrological calendar, it’s got all sorts of stuff in it. “Aspects,” they call one thing. And “ephemerides,” that’s another. Sounds like some kinda disease, don’t it? But it ain’t. It’s about where the planets are, I reckon. And “retrograde planets.” That’s when the planets look like they’re movin’ backwards. Don’t ask me how, they just do. It’s all in the calendar, though. If you want to understand these things, it’s a good place to start, I guess.
And get this, they even got “eclipses” in there! You know, when the sun or the moon goes dark for a bit. Scary stuff, but this calendar, it tells ya when it’s gonna happen, for 2025. So ya ain’t caught off guard. Imagine that, knowin’ when the sun’s gonna disappear! It’s like havin’ a secret, or somethin’. This calendar is full of secrets, that’s for sure. There’re opportunity periods too, listed down. Good times to do this and that, I suppose. It’s like they tell you what days are good for what. Plantin’ and fishin’ and all that.
Now, I ain’t no expert on this stuff. I just know what I see, and what folks tell me. But this Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar, it seems to have it all figured out. It’s like they got a direct line to the heavens or somethin’. They even tell you about the best days for plantin’ and fishin’. Just like the Farmer’s Almanac, but with all that star stuff mixed in.
- It’s got monthly horoscopes, whatever those are.
- It’s got travel forecasts.
- It’s got an introduction to astrology.
- It’s got planetary motions.
- It’s got major daily aspects.
- It’s got best days for planting and fishing.
They say this calendar is “accurate.” Well, I guess time will tell. But it sure is interestin’. All them stars, movin’ around up there, affectin’ our lives down here. It’s a lot to think about. It’s like a whole other world, up there in the sky. And this calendar is like a guidebook to that world, I guess you could say.
This whole astrological calendar business, it’s a bit over my head, to be honest. But if you’re into that kinda thing, this calendar might be just what you’re lookin’ for. It is filled with details, I’ll give them that, and it’s all laid out, nice and neat. There are even weekly forecasts, so you know what’s comin’. It’s like a weather report, but for your life, or somethin’.
Now, they say this calendar is based on 365 days a year, just like a regular one. But it’s divided up different, into them twelve signs I was tellin’ ya about. And each sign, it’s got somethin’ to do with your personality, or your future, or somethin’ like that. It’s all kinda mysterious, if ya ask me. They say this calendar follows the sun, but it is different. It’s all about the stars and what they are doin’.

I remember when I was a little girl, my grandma, she used to look at the stars a lot. She’d tell me stories about ’em. Said they were our ancestors, watchin’ over us. Maybe she knew somethin’ about this astrology stuff. Wish I could ask her now. This Llewellyn’s Astrological Calendar, it makes me think of her. She’d probably get a kick out of it.
So, if you’re lookin’ for somethin’ different, somethin’ to help ya understand the stars and maybe even understand yourself a little better, this calendar might be worth a look. It’s a whole lot of information, all packed into one place. It is like a map to the stars, and the stars, they say, hold the key to our destiny. That’s what some folks believe, anyway. It’s interestin’ to think about, ain’t it? All them stars, up there, twinklin’ away, knowin’ our secrets and maybe even decidin’ our fate. It gives me shivers, just thinkin’ about it.