Well, now, I reckon we’re gonna talk about something a bit out of the ordinary today, somethin’ folks don’t always understand but sure do get curious about – the mind’s eye tarot. Now, you might be wonderin’, “What in tarnation’s that all about?” Well, sit back and let me explain it to ya in plain and simple words, just like I would to the folks back in the old village.
First off, when we talk about the “mind’s eye,” it’s just a fancy way of sayin’ the pictures and thoughts that pop up in your head when you close your eyes or daydream. You know, like when you can see a memory or imagine something that ain’t right in front of ya. Like when you’re thinkin’ ‘bout what you’ll have for supper, or when you remember your old dog that passed on. That’s all in your mind’s eye. So, when we get into tarot, the cards act kinda like a doorway to help you see things in that mind of yours, help you make sense of stuff you can’t always touch or feel.

Now, about them tarot cards, they ain’t magic, no sir. But they sure are a tool to help guide ya. The mind’s eye tarot, they say, can help open up that little window to your imagination. If you look close enough, you might start to see things clearer – like in the spirit world, or in your own heart and mind. It’s like a treasure map for your feelings and thoughts, guiding you to find what’s been hidin’ in there. That’s what it does, helps you open your eyes, not just your regular ones, but your heart’s eyes too.
So, what do we do with these cards? Well, you don’t go messin’ with ’em when you’re upset or mad, that’s for sure. If you’re all worked up and full of bad emotions, the cards ain’t gonna help ya. They say it’s better to use ‘em when you’re calm, when you ain’t got no bad thoughts in your heart. ‘Cause if you’re angry or feelin’ jealous or spiteful, well, the cards just won’t work right. They’ll just be as confused as you are. You gotta be in a peaceful state of mind, seein’ things clearly through that mind’s eye, before you start askin’ questions to the cards.
Now, some folks get real caught up in all that fancy talk about tarot and spirits and whatnot. But to me, it’s just like anything else. If you approach it with an open heart and a clear mind, maybe you’ll find some answers you didn’t even know you were lookin’ for. The mind’s eye tarot ain’t about fixin’ everything in your life, but it can sure help ya understand things better, see things in a new light, and help guide you through a tough patch.
How do you use it? Simple as pie. You shuffle the cards, focus on what you need to know, and draw a few. Each card’s got a meaning, a story to tell. And what’s important is not just the card itself, but how you feel when you look at it. The picture on the card might remind ya of somethin’ deep down in your soul, somethin’ that speaks to ya directly. That’s where your mind’s eye comes in. It helps you make the connection. It might show ya things you’ve been blind to, or things you’ve been needin’ to face up to. So, you gotta trust your own instincts, and let your imagination guide you along the way.
Trustin’ Your Inner Voice As you go along with the mind’s eye tarot, you might start feelin’ like you’re more in tune with your own thoughts, more in touch with your inner self. It’s like you’re workin’ on understandin’ what’s goin’ on inside that noggin of yours. You know, the old saying goes, “The answers are within you,” and well, sometimes that’s true. These cards, they just help you get there. They guide you to that place where you can see things clearer, like lookin’ at a blurry picture and then finally puttin’ your glasses on.
But let me tell ya, it ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. If you go into it with the wrong attitude, like when you’re all wound up, you ain’t gonna get no clear picture. The cards, they don’t have all the answers, and they sure as heck ain’t gonna do the work for ya. But with a bit of patience, a little trust in yourself, and a good ol’ bit of imagination, you just might find yourself with a better understandin’ of the world around you.

Why Not Try It? So, if you’re feelin’ curious, why not give it a try? Take a deck of cards, find a quiet spot, and let your mind wander. Don’t rush it, just let it flow. You may not get a big ol’ revelation right away, but with time, you might start to notice patterns, or connections to things that’ve been weighin’ on your heart. The mind’s eye tarot isn’t some magical thing, no, it’s just a tool to help you see what’s been in front of you all along. It helps you open your eyes to things you mighta been missin’. It’s like that old saying – sometimes the answer was inside you all along.
So, there you have it, that’s the lowdown on the mind’s eye tarot. It ain’t complicated, it ain’t some secret world you gotta enter – it’s just about trustin’ yourself, lettin’ your imagination run free, and openin’ your heart and mind. Who knows, you might find more than you bargained for!
Tags: [mind’s eye tarot, tarot, imagination, inner guidance, self-discovery, tarot cards, mind’s eye, spiritual guidance]