Well, howdy there! Let’s chew the fat about this here “tumblr astrology observations,” alright? Now, I ain’t no fancy scholar or nothin’, just a plain ol’ body tryin’ to make sense of things. And wouldn’t you know it, them youngsters on the tumblr are jabberin’ about stars and signs all the ding-dang day. So, let’s see what they’re on about, shall we?
First off, they got this here “astrology observations” thing. Sounds mighty important, don’t it? Basically, it’s just folks sharin’ what they see happenin’ with different star signs. Kinda like sayin’, “Oh, them Aries folks, they sure are fiery!” Or, “Them Tauruses, they love their grub somethin’ fierce.” You get the picture?

Now, these tumblr folks, they ain’t shy about sharin’ their opinions. They’re yakkin’ about all sorts of things. They talk about them “houses” and “profections.” Sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me, but they swear by it. They say if you’re in a “12th house profection year,” you might get real interested in this here astrology stuff. Kinda like how a hen gets real interested in scratchin’ for worms, I reckon.
- They also go on about planets like Saturn and Pluto. Say them planets “squarin’ your sun or moon” can mean somethin’ or other. Beats me what it means, but they sure get all worked up about it.
- And then there’s this Juno asteroid they’re chatterin’ about. Seems like it tells more than they thought it would. Kinda like when you find out your neighbor’s prize-winning pumpkin wasn’t so prize-winning after all, you know? Secrets and surprises, everywhere you look.
Now, these tumblr folks, they ain’t claimin’ to be no fancy astrologers. They’re just doin’ it for fun. They say, “take what resonates with you.” Which I guess means, if it sounds right, then it is right. At least for you, anyway. It’s like pickin’ berries: you take the ones that look ripe and juicy, and leave the rest for the birds.
They’ve also observed a bunch of stuff about the signs themselves. Like, they’ve noticed that certain signs have certain traits. Now, I ain’t gonna list ’em all out here, ’cause there’s a whole heap of ’em. But they’ve got opinions on everything, from how clean a person is to how they act in love. It’s kinda like lookin’ at a field of cows and sayin’, “That one’s a bossy one, and that one’s a gentle one.” You just gotta watch and see.
And let me tell ya, these tumblr folks, they’ve got a lot to say. They write long posts and short posts, and everything in between. They use all sorts of fancy words sometimes, but mostly they just talk plain. They share their own experiences, and they ask for other folks’ experiences too. It’s like a big ol’ gossip session, but instead of gossiping about people, they’re gossiping about the stars.
They’re real protective of their words, though. They don’t want nobody stealin’ their ideas. They put these little messages on their posts that say, “Don’t repost, plagiarize, reword.” Kinda like puttin’ a fence around your watermelon patch, you know? Gotta keep them varmints out.
So, what do I make of all this “tumblr astrology observations?” Well, I reckon it’s just folks tryin’ to make sense of the world. They’re lookin’ for patterns, for connections, for somethin’ to hold onto. And if lookin’ at the stars helps them do that, then more power to ’em. Me? I’m just gonna stick to watchin’ the weather and plantin’ my garden. That’s enough star-gazin’ for one old lady.

But, hey, if you’re curious about this here astrology stuff, them tumblr folks might just have somethin’ to say that tickles your fancy. Just remember, it’s all just for fun. Don’t take it too serious, and don’t go blamin’ the stars for your troubles. You’re the one drivin’ the wagon, not them stars.
Now, these young’uns also talk about different astrological aspects and what they supposedly mean. They say things like if your Mars is in a certain place, you might be more likely to get into arguments. And if your Venus is in a different place, you might be more romantic. It’s all a bit confusing to me, like tryin’ to follow a chicken through a cornfield. But they seem to enjoy figuring it all out.
And they sure do like to share their thoughts with the world. They write about everything from their personal relationships to their career goals, all through the lens of astrology. It’s like they’re using the stars as a roadmap for their lives, though personally I think asking for directions is always the best way, especially if you’re new to town. But who am I to judge? If it makes ’em happy, that’s all that matters.
So, that’s my take on this tumblr astrology stuff. It’s a whole lot of talkin’ and observin’ and tryin’ to make sense of things. And who knows, maybe there’s somethin’ to it. Maybe them stars really do have a say in our lives. Or maybe it’s all just a bunch of hooey. Either way, it’s somethin’ to think about, ain’t it?
Tags:Tumblr, Astrology Observations, Astrology, Star Signs, Planets, Juno, Houses, Profections, Traits, Personal Experiences