Well, let’s talk about them Horse and Monkey thing in that Chinese sticker book, you know, the zodiac thingy.
Them Monkeys, they’re real jumpy and full of beans, always gotta be doin’ somethin’. Like my grandson, always climbin’ trees and makin’ a ruckus. Horses, they ain’t slow neither. They like to run around and do their own thing. My old man used to say a horse is a horse, you can’t make it do nothin’ it don’t wanna do. So, you got these two, both full of energy, kinda like a firecracker and a match, could be a whole lotta sparks, good or bad, you know?

Now, if you’re talkin’ ‘bout them gettin’ hitched, that’s a whole ‘nother story. Some say they get along alright, ’cause they both understand that need to be free. They ain’t gonna be clingy and whiny, that’s for sure. But then again, too much of the same thing ain’t always good. It’s like eatin’ too much sugar, makes your teeth hurt and your belly ache. If they both wanna be the boss, well, that’s gonna be a problem. Someone gotta give a little, ain’t that right?
I heard tell that Monkeys are smart, real clever. They can figure things out. Horses, they’re more straightforward, what you see is what you get. So, maybe the Monkey can sweet talk the Horse into doin’ things their way. Or maybe the Horse just puts its foot down and says, “Nope, we’re doin’ it my way!” It’s all about balance, like carryin’ water buckets, gotta have ‘em even or you gonna spill everywhere.
- If the Monkey is the woman, well, she ain’t gonna sit around knittin’ no sweaters. She’ll be out there, doin’ her own thing, maybe even tellin’ the Horse what to do.
- If the Horse is the man, he’s gonna want his freedom, his space. He ain’t gonna be happy if the Monkey tries to tie him down.
And what about friends? Yeah, they can probably be good buddies. They can have fun together, go on adventures, you know, like them kids on the TV always doin’. But they gotta watch out for that competitive streak. Always tryin’ to outdo each other ain’t gonna be good for nobody. It’s like racin’ chickens, fun to watch for a bit, but then they just get tired and peck each other.
Now, some folks say certain animals go better with others. Like, they say the Horse does good with Sheep, Tigers, and Dogs. I don’t know much about that, never had no sheep or tigers ‘round here. But it makes sense, I guess. Some critters just get along better, like peas and carrots. And some, well, they just fight like cats and dogs, or maybe Monkeys and Rats, who knows?
Them sticker books, they tell you all sorts of things. Best matches, worst matches, lucky numbers… I don’t put too much stock in it, myself. But it’s fun to think about, ain’t it? Kinda like readin’ them tea leaves, you see what you wanna see. But in the end, it’s up to the people, not the animals. If they wanna make it work, they’ll make it work. If they don’t, well, that’s their business.
So, if you’re a Horse or a Monkey, or you’re thinkin’ about gettin’ hitched with one, just remember, it’s all about give and take. Be respectful, be kind, and don’t be tryin’ to control everything. That’s good advice for anybody, no matter what animal they are.

And that’s all I gotta say about that Horse and Monkey thing. It ain’t rocket science, just common sense, really. Now, where did I put my glasses?
Tags: [Chinese Zodiac, Monkey, Horse, Compatibility, Relationships, Astrology]