Well now, let me tell you a thing or two ’bout this Universal Waite Tarot Deck. It ain’t just any ol’ deck o’ cards, ya know? It’s a re-colored version o’ that famous Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot Deck, the one everyone talks about. This here deck was colored by Mary Hanson-Roberts, bless her heart, who also made the Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck. So ya see, it’s got some real pedigree to it. People all over the world, reckon there’s more than a hundred million copies of this deck floatin’ around, in more than 20 countries! Quite a thing, ain’t it?
Now, this deck, the Universal Waite, gets its name from being part of the Waite-Smith family, or as some folks call it, the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. It’s been around for a long time, and let me tell ya, it’s inspired a whole mess of other decks too. You can find all sorts of versions out there, but this one here stands out because o’ how it’s been colored so peacefully by Hanson-Roberts. Makes it all calm and serene-like, perfect for folks lookin’ for a bit of tranquility in their Tarot readings.

If you look real close at it, you’ll notice somethin’ special about the images. They’re all soft and gentle, different from the usual darker, more somber colors that sometimes pop up in other Tarot decks. That’s what makes it easier on the eyes for beginners, or for anyone who wants a more soothing vibe. And trust me, this deck’s perfect for folks who like their readings to be a little more pleasant and clear.
The Universal Waite Tarot Deck is part of a big ol’ tradition, you see. Tarot decks have been around for centuries, and this deck’s one o’ the most popular out there. There are three main kinds of Tarot traditions: the Marseilles deck, the Thoth deck, and of course, the Rider-Waite-Smith deck. All o’ these decks have their own style, but this here Universal Waite is special in its own way ’cause o’ how it’s been re-colored to bring a bit more peace and clarity to the readings.
Now, if you ask me, there’s somethin’ powerful about these cards. They’re not just fancy pictures on paper; there’s a whole history behind ’em, goin’ back hundreds o’ years. The oldest known Tarot decks come from Italy, way back in the 15th century. Those old decks were painted for the rich folks who ruled over Milan. And believe me, those decks were quite fancy, but nothin’ like what we got today with the Universal Waite.
Whether you’re a seasoned Tarot reader or a newbie, this Universal Waite deck is a good one to have in yer collection. It’s simple to understand and mighty effective when it comes to readings. Folks have been usin’ it for years to help guide ’em in life, and I reckon it’ll keep on helpin’ folks for many more to come. If you ain’t got one yet, it might be worth lookin’ into. Get one, sit down, shuffle those cards, and let the Universe tell ya what it’s got in store for ya.
And don’t you worry none about how to read ’em. There’s plenty o’ folks out there who’ve written books and guides to help you get started. So, if you’ve got the deck in hand, well, you’re halfway there! Ain’t no big mystery about it. Just trust yer intuition, look at the pictures, and let ’em speak to ya. I promise you, it’ll all make sense in time.
In the end, the Universal Waite Tarot Deck is all ’bout what’s inside. It’s about clarity, peace, and wisdom that’s been passed down for generations. Whether you’re using it to find answers to your own questions, or just want to add a lil’ something special to yer spiritual journey, this deck’s here to help guide the way.

Tags:[Universal Waite Tarot, Rider-Waite-Smith, Tarot Deck, Tarot Cards, Mary Hanson-Roberts, Tarot History, Spiritual Guidance, Tarot Reading, Tarot Tradition]