Alright, let’s talk about them… what do you call ’em? Zodiac signs, yeah, that’s it. My old man, he used to mumble somethin’ about stars and such. Said it affected folks’ lives. Never paid much mind to it myself, but people keep yappin’ about it, so here we go.
First off, there’s this Aries fella. They say he’s like a firecracker, always jumpin’ into things headfirst. Springtime, that’s when they say he starts his ruckus. Like a bull in a china shop, that’s what they sound like to me. Always gotta be first, gotta be the boss.

Then comes Taurus. Now, these folks, they like their comfort. Good food, soft bed, that’s their kinda party. Stubborn as a mule, though. Once they get an idea in their head, good luck tryin’ to change it. They’re like them cows in the pasture, slow and steady.
Next up, we got them Gemini twins. Chatty as magpies, they are. One minute they’re here, next minute they’re gone. Can’t ever make up their minds, flip-floppin’ like a fish outta water. Two faces, some folks say, but I reckon they just got a lot on their minds.
- Then there’s Cancer, the crabby one. Sensitive as a skinned knee, they are. All about home and family, clingin’ on like a vine. Don’t you dare say a bad word about their kin, or you’ll see that crab come out of its shell.
- After Cancer, it’s Leo, the lion. Roar! That’s them all right. Love to be the center of attention, struttin’ around like they own the place. Big hearts, though, generous to a fault, as long as you keep tellin’ ’em how great they are.
- And then comes Virgo. Fussy, fussy, fussy. Always cleanin’ and organizin’. Can’t stand a mess, not a speck of dust. They mean well, though, just tryin’ to make everything perfect, even if it drives you nuts. They notice every little thing, like a hawk looking for a mouse.
Then we get to Libra, the scales. Always tryin’ to be fair, weighin’ everything out. Can’t stand a fight, want everyone to get along. Sometimes takes ’em forever to make a decision, though, ’cause they see both sides of everything.
Scorpio, now that’s a whole other story. Secretive, like a fox in the henhouse. Intense, they are, with those eyes that see right through you. Don’t cross ’em, that’s all I gotta say. They got a sting to ’em, just like that scorpion they’re named after.
Next, we got Sagittarius, the archer. Always lookin’ for somethin’ new, restless as a tumbleweed. Love to travel, see the world, learn new things. Can’t be tied down, gotta be free to roam. Always chasin’ after somethin’, just like a dog after a rabbit.
And then comes Capricorn, the goat. Hard workin’, that’s them. Climbin’ that mountain, slow and steady, always lookin’ to get ahead. Serious as a judge, they are, but they know how to get things done. They might not be the flashiest, but they’ll get you to the top eventually, just like a goat climbing a steep hill.

Aquarius, now they’re a bit odd. Forward-thinkin’, always comin’ up with new ideas. March to the beat of their own drum, don’t care what other folks think. Like them city folks with their fancy gadgets and whatnot. They can seem a little crazy, but they’re always two steps ahead of everyone else. They like to think different, that’s for sure.
Finally, there’s Pisces, the fish. Dreamy, they are, always lost in their own little world. Artistic, musical, sensitive souls. Can get lost in their own thoughts sometimes, need someone to ground them. They’re like them fish in the pond, swimming this way and that way, just following the flow.
So, there you have it, them zodiac signs. Whether you believe in it or not, it’s somethin’ to think about. Maybe it explains why some folks are the way they are. Or maybe it’s just a bunch of hogwash. Either way, it’s interesting how much folks like to talk about these things.
Remember, this is just a simple way of lookin’ at it. There’s a whole lot more to it, if you wanna get into the details. But for now, this should give you a basic idea of what each sign is all about. Don’t take it too seriously, though. Just have a little fun with it.
Tags: [zodiac signs, astrology, personality, traits, calendar, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces]