Well, howdy there! Let me tell ya somethin’ about this here… uh… lunar calendar thingy. Don’t rightly know all them fancy words, but I’ll tell ya what I know, the way I know it.
What’s this Lunar Calendar all about?

See, it’s all about the moon, ya know? Not like that cheese in the sky, though some folks say that’s what it is. This calendar, it follows the moon. The moon goes ’round and ’round, and this here calendar, it keeps track. It ain’t like that regular calendar on the wall, with all them numbers and days. This one’s different, it’s moon-time.
Moon Signs and Stuff
Now, they say when you was born, the moon was in a certain spot. They call it a “sign,” like them signs on the road, but these are sky signs. Like, say you was born when the moon was lookin’ like a big ol’ smile, that might mean somethin’. Or maybe when it was just a little sliver, that means somethin’ else. They got these calculators and charts, I hear, to figure it all out. You punch in your birthday and whatnot, and it tells ya your moon sign. Don’t ask me how it works, sounds like magic to me. I only know it has something to do with birth time.
- Moon was big and round? That’s a thing!
- Moon was small like a fingernail? That’s another thing!
- Born when the moon hidin’? Probably means something too, who knows.
Korean Calendar and All That
Heard tell them Koreans, they got a calendar like this too. Pretty much the same as the one them Chinese folks use. Back in the day, they lived by the moon, plantin’ crops and such. Still do, some of ’em. It’s a way of life for some people, and we just have to respect that, right? Anyways, it’s their thing and we ain’t gonna judge. If you live by the moon that’s fine by me. It’s like planting crops. Plant when the ground is soft, and pick it when it’s ripe.
Moon Phases, Full Moons, New Moons, and Whatnot

Then there’s all this talk about moon phases. Full moon, new moon, half moon… It’s like the moon’s playin’ hide-and-seek. Sometimes it’s big and bright, lightin’ up the whole night. Sometimes you can barely see it. And then they got these “eclipses,” where the moon gets all dark or somethin’. It’s all a bit confusing, if you ask me, but some folks get all excited about it. And that “void of course” moon… sounds spooky, don’t it? Like somethin’ ain’t right. I reckon it all means somethin’, but I ain’t quite sure what. These calendars and moon phases, it is used for planting and all that stuff. See, I don’t know much about it but the idea is there.
The Moon and Planting
Now, I do know a thing or two about plantin’. My grandpappy, he always said you gotta plant by the moon. Plant some things when the moon’s gettin’ bigger, plant other things when it’s gettin’ smaller. He said it makes a difference, the plants grow better that way. I don’t know if it’s true, but his garden was always the best around, so maybe there’s somethin’ to it. And this is for the food we eat, so it has to be good. I don’t know how this moon thing works with planting, but I know it does. If the plants ain’t good then what are we gonna eat? We need food to keep going and this moon thing helps it grow so all is good in my books.
Lunar Cycle, Moon Search Engine… What Now?
They call it a “lunation cycle,” this whole moon thing goin’ ’round and ’round. Eight different parts to it, they say. Sounds complicated to me. And now they even got a “moon search engine”? What in tarnation is that? I reckon you type in somethin’ about the moon, and it tells ya stuff. Well, I never! Times sure have changed. Back in my day, we just looked up at the sky to see the moon. Didn’t need no fancy engines or nothin’. But hey, if it helps folks understand the moon better, I guess it’s alright. People like to complicate stuff for some reason.
In Conclusion…

So, there you have it. That’s what I know about this here lunar calendar. It’s about the moon, the signs, the phases, the plantin’, and a whole bunch of other stuff I don’t rightly understand. But it seems important to some folks, so I reckon it’s worth knowin’ a little bit about. Even an old gal like me can learn a new thing or two, even if it is about somethin’ as mysterious as the moon. It keeps goin’ ’round and ’round, and life goes on. That’s the way it is, and that’s the way it always will be. At least I think so, anyway.
More About It
And let me tell ya something. People use it to calculate their… oh what’s it called… horoscope or something. It tells you something about your day and your life and all that. I don’t really care for it myself, I think it is all hogwash but some people really care about it so there must be something there I guess. Anyway, that is all I know about it, anything more you’re gonna have to ask someone else.
Final Words
So there ya have it. That’s all I know about this moon stuff. If you want to know more then go search it up, because I’m done talkin’ about it. It’s interesting and all but my bones are gettin’ tired and I need to sit down.
Tags:Lunar Calendar, Moon Phases, Moon Signs, Korean Zodiac, Planting by the Moon, Full Moon, New Moon, Lunar Cycle