Well, let me tell ya ’bout this Snake and Rabbit thing in that Chinese Zodiac, ya know, the one with all them animals. Folks say it matters who you get hitched up with, dependin’ on the year you was born. I don’t rightly know ’bout all that, but I heard some things.
Now, the Snake, that fella’s kinda slippery, ya know? Sly like a fox, but not mean, just…careful. And the Rabbit, well, that’s a gentle critter, always hoppin’ around, mindin’ its own business. You wouldn’t think they’d go together, but some folks say they can make a good match.

See, the Rabbit, he wants a long life, peace and quiet, like a warm burrow, ya know? The Snake, he’s more bendy, goes with the flow. They say the best matches for the Snake are the Ox, the Rooster, and that Monkey fella, always up to somethin’. But the Rabbit ain’t on that list, see? The Rabbit, he’s supposed to be with the Sheep, the Dog, the Pig, or maybe even another Monkey. They say stay away from the Rat and the Ox, but the Snake isn’t even mentioned in that context.
- Rabbit best friends: Sheep, Dog, Pig.
- Snake best friends: Ox, Rooster, Monkey.
But then ya hear other things. Some say the Snake and Rabbit, they got a real strong love, even though they see things different. Like, one likes sunshine, the other likes the shade, ya know? But they still care for each other, deep down. It’s kinda like me and my old man. He liked his taters mashed, I liked ’em fried, but we still got along alright, most of the time.
They say the Snake can be friends with a whole bunch of critters, the Rat, the Rabbit, the Dragon, even that Horse, always runnin’ around. And the Sheep and the Dog too. So maybe it ain’t so strange for a Snake and Rabbit to get along. Maybe they just gotta figure each other out, like we all do.
This year, the year of the Rabbit, they say it’s gonna be good for the Snakes. Even if they got troubles at work, it ain’t gonna be nothin’ big. It’s a good time for them to get creative, ya know, paint somethin’, sew somethin’, maybe even learn to play that there guitar. And the Rabbit? Well, they say they are tough, can handle anything, and their love life will be good as long as they are themselves.
So, what’s the deal with these two? Well, it sounds like they can be friends, maybe even lovers. They might have to work at it a bit, ’cause they ain’t exactly the same. But that’s true for most folks, ain’t it? You gotta give and take, learn to live with each other’s little ways. Like my old man and his mashed taters, I always said to him “you eat what you want I am not cooking twice!”. That’s what I mean by give and take, haha.
So, if you’re a Snake and you meet a Rabbit, or a Rabbit and you meet a Snake, don’t go runnin’ off scared. Give it a chance. You might just surprise yourself. And if it don’t work out, well, there’s plenty of other fish in the sea, or critters in the zodiac, as the case may be.

And remember, all this zodiac stuff, it’s just talk. The real important thing is how you treat each other. Be kind, be honest, and try to understand where the other person is comin’ from. That’s the secret to a good relationship, no matter what year you was born in.
Tags: [Chinese Zodiac, Snake, Rabbit, Compatibility, Love, Friendship, Chinese Horoscope]