Well, howdy there! Let’s chew the fat about this here “calendar of zodiac signs.” Don’t go getting all highfalutin on me, it ain’t as complicated as them city folk make it out to be. It’s just a way of figuring out what kind of day it is, you know, based on them stars and such.

Now, first off, they got these twelve signs, one for each month, kinda like. They call ’em the “zodiac.” Sounds fancy, but it’s just a bunch of pictures they made up in the sky, like connect-the-dots but with stars.
- You got Aries, that’s the ram, always butting heads and full of fire.
- Then comes Taurus, the bull, stubborn as a mule and likes their comfort.
- Gemini, the twins, always flitting about and chattering like magpies.
- Cancer, the crab, kinda moody and likes to stay close to home.
- Leo, the lion, proud as a peacock and loves being the center of attention.
- Virgo, the virgin, always fussing and cleaning and wanting things just so.
- Libra, the scales, always trying to keep things fair and balanced.
- Scorpio, the scorpion, secretive and intense, like a coiled snake.
- Sagittarius, the archer, always roaming and looking for adventure.
- Capricorn, the goat, hardworking and ambitious, always climbing to the top.
- Aquarius, the water bearer, kinda quirky and likes to do things their own way.
- And finally, Pisces, the fish, dreamy and sensitive, always swimming in their own thoughts.
Now, each of these signs, they got their own time of year. Aries, he starts things off in the spring, around the time the flowers start popping up. Then it goes on from there, each sign getting its turn. It’s like a big ol’ circle, never-ending.
They say these signs, they can tell you a thing or two about a person. Like, if you’re born under Aries, you’re supposed to be brave and energetic. If you’re a Taurus, you’re supposed to be strong and dependable. Me, I don’t put too much stock in it, but it’s fun to think about sometimes. People are just people, no matter when they’re born.
Now, some folks, they get real serious about this zodiac stuff. They look at the planets and the moon and all that, trying to figure out what’s gonna happen. They call it “astrology.” They got charts and calendars and all sorts of gizmos. I reckon it’s their way of trying to make sense of the world. Can’t fault ’em for that, I guess.
This here “calendar of zodiac signs,” it ain’t just about birthdays, though. They also use it to figure out good times and bad times for doing things. Like, maybe it’s a good time to plant your crops when the moon is in Taurus, or maybe it’s a bad time to start a new business when Mercury is doing that “retrograde” thing they talk about. Makes your head spin, all this talk. But some swear by it.
And get this, they even added a new fella to the zodiac a while back, some feller named Ophiuchus. Said he was a snake handler or somethin’. But most folks, they still stick with the twelve they know. Too much change for some, I reckon. Change is hard, you get used to things a certain way.

But at the end of the day, it’s all just stories, ain’t it? Stories we tell ourselves to make sense of things. Just like them old wives’ tales my grandma used to tell. Whether you believe in it or not, it’s a part of how folks look at the world. And that’s alright by me. You take what you need and leave the rest.
So, there you have it. That’s the lowdown on this here calendar of zodiac signs, as best as I can tell ya. Don’t go getting yourself all worked up over it. Just have a little fun with it, and don’t take it too serious. Life’s too short for all that fussin’ and worryin’, you hear?
And remember, no matter what them stars say, you’re the one who makes your own luck in this world. Hard work and a good heart, that’s what really matters. Them stars, they just watchin’ from afar, they don’t know the troubles you been through.
This “astrological year,” as they call it, starts with Aries, always has, always will as far as I can tell. It is the beginning of everything.
There’s even some that say each moon cycle got a meaning. Full moons and new moons, each do something different to you, some say. I just look up and say, “well there’s the moon again.” I don’t bother with it much.
And they got these planetary stations, whatever that means, somethin’ about retrogrades and such. It’s all a bit much for my old head to wrap around. Like I said, too complicated.

Just live your life, be good to folks, and don’t let the stars tell you what to do. That’s my advice, for what it’s worth.
Tags: [Zodiac Signs, Astrology, Calendar, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Ophiuchus, Horoscopes, Astrological Year, Planets, Moon]