Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s gab a bit about this here 1818 Chinese zodiac thing, alright? Now, I ain’t no scholar or nothin’, but I heard folks talkin’ ’bout it. Back in 1818, it was the Year of the Tiger, started on February 5th, to be exact. Imagine that!
Them tigers, they say, are somethin’ else. Strong, ya know? Like them fellas who can chop wood all day and still have energy to chase the chickens. They’re also supposed to be smart, like that fella who fixed my roof after the big storm. He figured out the problem right quick. And they like bein’ around folks, always up for a good chinwag and a plate of grub. Makes sense, doesn’t it? My old man was born in the year of the tiger, he was strong as an ox and loved a good get together.

Now, I also heard tell about other critters in this here Chinese zodiac. There’s the dragon, which sounds mighty powerful. They say dragons are wise, like that old woman who used to tell fortunes down by the creek. She knew everything about everybody! Dragons are also good leaders, like the mayor who got the new well dug for the whole town. That was a good thing, that was.
- They say dragons get along good with rats, monkeys, and roosters. Don’t ask me why, it’s just what they say.
- But they don’t do so well with dogs, apparently. Maybe too much barkin’ and not enough bitin’, who knows?
And speaking of other critters, there’s the rabbit too. The year after 1818, in 1819, that was the year of the rabbit. Rabbits are quick and quiet, like them little fellas that sneak into my garden and eat my carrots. They’re gentle too, just like them fluffy bunnies my grand kids like to play with. Rabbits are supposed to be lucky, too. Maybe that’s why I always find a few extra coins in my purse, even when I don’t remember puttin’ ’em there.
Now, this here Chinese Lunar Zodiac thing, it goes in cycles, like the seasons. Every year is a different animal. There’s the pig, too. I heard someone say they were born on the first day of Chinese New Year in the year of the pig, in 1995. Pigs, they say, are lucky too, and they like to eat, which sounds about right to me! If you are born in the year of the pig you are probably enjoying life that’s for sure.
They even got somethin’ called a Water Tiger, if you can believe it. Born in 2022, they say. Smart as a whip, always crackin’ jokes, and good at makin’ friends. Sounds like a good catch to me! They also know how to make money, which is always a good thing in my book. And they can handle new things, like them city folks who come to the country and learn how to milk a cow. It ain’t easy, let me tell ya.
This whole Chinese Astrology thing, it’s kinda like lookin’ at the stars and tryin’ to figure out what’s gonna happen. Sometimes it’s right, sometimes it’s wrong, but it’s always fun to talk about. Like when that fella predicted a big rainstorm and it ended up bein’ sunny all day. We all had a good laugh about that one!
So, that’s the gist of it, as far as I can tell. Whether you’re a tiger, a dragon, a rabbit, a pig, or somethin’ else, it don’t really matter. What matters is bein’ a good person and treatin’ folks right. That’s what my mama always told me, and she was a wise woman. So, no matter what animal year it is, just be kind and work hard and you’ll be alright.

Anyways, I gotta go feed the chickens now. Y’all take care and don’t forget to look up your own Chinese Lunar Years and animal sign. It’s kinda fun, and who knows, maybe it’ll tell ya somethin’ about yourself that you didn’t even know!
Tags: Chinese Astrology, Chinese Lunar Zodiac, Chinese Lunar Years, 1818 Tiger Year, Animal Signs