Oh, this zodiac signs calendar, my old eyes almost can’t see it clearly. What’s it all about? My grandson, he’s always going on about these star signs. Says it tells you who you are and what you’re gonna do. I don’t know about all that, but it’s fun to look at, I reckon.
So, this thing, it’s got 12 signs, they call ’em. Like, you got your Aries, that’s the first one. It goes from March 21st to April 19th. Sounds like a bunch of malarkey to me. But they say Aries, they like to be the boss, number one, always gotta win. Like that old rooster we used to have, always strutting around, bossing the hens. That’s an Aries for ya, I guess. A fire sign, whatever that means. Maybe they’re always fired up, ready to go.

Then you got this other one, Taurus. My neighbor, Bessie, she’s a Taurus, I think. Born sometime in April or May, I forget. They say they’re stubborn. Bessie, she sure can be. Once she sets her mind to something, ain’t no changing it. Like a mule, that one. But she’s a good soul, Bessie. Just a bit set in her ways. This calendar doesn’t say much about Taurus, though.
Next up is Gemini. Now that’s a funny word. Don’t know what it means. May 21st to June 20th, it says. They say Geminis are like two people in one. Always changing their minds. Like the weather, you know? Sunny one minute, pouring rain the next. Can’t keep up with ’em. I knew a fella like that once. Couldn’t make up his mind to save his life. Drove everyone crazy.
Then there’s Cancer, from June 21st to July 22nd. Sounds like a sickness, don’t it? But I guess it’s just another one of these signs. They say Cancers are sensitive, emotional. Like that little girl, always crying over every little thing. Maybe that’s a Cancer. This zodiac signs calendar don’t say much else about them. I guess it’s water sign.
Leo, now that sounds like a king. July 23rd to August 22nd. They say Leos like to be the center of attention. Like that old movie star, always preening and posing. Probably a Leo, that one. They say they’re proud and bold. Like a lion, I suppose. Roaring and showing off.
After that, you got Virgo. August 23rd to September 22nd. Sounds like a clean freak to me. Always tidying up and worrying about things. My aunt used to be like that. Drove us all nuts with her cleaning. Maybe she was a Virgo. This calendar thing says they’re practical and pay attention to detail. I guess that’s a nice way of saying they’re fussy.
Then you got Libra. September 23rd to October 22nd. Sounds like a scale, don’t it? Weighing things out. They say Libras like things to be fair and balanced. Like that judge on TV, always trying to make things right. Maybe he’s a Libra. They’re supposed to be social and diplomatic, too. Fancy words for getting along with folks, I reckon.

Next up is Scorpio. October 23rd to November 21st. Sounds like a scary bug. They say Scorpios are mysterious and intense. Like that old well in the woods, you never know what’s down there. They say they are also passionate. That calendar thing says water sign, too.
Sagittarius. November 22nd to December 21st. That’s a mouthful. Don’t know what it means. This calendar doesn’t say much, but they say they’re adventurous and like to travel. Like that young fella, always running off to see the world. Maybe he’s a Sagittarius. I guess they are fire sign. They like freedom. Don’t like to be tied down, I reckon.
Then you got Capricorn. December 22nd to January 19th. Sounds like a goat to me. They say Capricorns are hardworking and ambitious. Like that old farmer, always working from sunup to sundown. Probably a Capricorn. They say they’re disciplined and responsible. Good qualities to have, I suppose. They are earth sign.
Aquarius is next. January 20th to February 18th. Sounds like a water jug. They say they’re independent and original. Like that artist lady, always doing her own thing. Probably an Aquarius. They say they’re also humanitarian. That’s a big word for caring about people, I reckon.
- Then comes Pisces, the last one. February 19th to March 20th.
- They are supposed to be the most sensitive, this zodiac signs calendar says.
- Water sign, too, it says here.
- It also says Pisces is compassionate.
And there is some mention about something called Ophiuchus. What is that? I don’t know. Never heard such things. Well, there you have it. All these signs, and what they supposedly mean. It’s a lot to take in, ain’t it? I don’t know if I believe it all, but it’s something to think about. Maybe there’s something to it, maybe not. Who knows? It’s like the moon and the stars, a mystery, I guess. But this zodiac signs calendar is kinda fun, though, in its own way. They also have new moons and full moons, that calendar thing says. I don’t know what those mean.