Hey there, dearies! You know, this old gal’s seen a lot of full moons in her time. And I tell ya, that big ol’ moon up there, it’s got some power. It’s like when you plant your taters, gotta pay attention to the moon, right? Well, it’s the same with those full moon tarot cards. That’s some powerful stuff, them cards under the full moon.
Now, I ain’t no fancy reader, but I’ve dabbled with the cards. It is like listenin’ to the wind whisperin’ secrets, you know? When that moon’s all big and round, it’s like the universe is shoutin’. That is the perfect time to lay out your cards. Then you can get the best full moon tarot card readings.

So, you wanna do a full moon tarot readin’? Well, first, you gotta get your cards, any kind will do. Some folks got them fancy decks, all pictures and colors. Me, I just got a regular ol’ deck, but it works just fine. That is a good way to get the full moon tarot card meaning.
- Find a quiet spot.
- Light a candle, if you like that kinda thing.
- Hold the cards, close your eyes, think real hard on what you wanna know.
- Shuffle them cards good, like you’re mixin’ batter.
- Then, lay ’em out.
I seen folks do all sorts of layouts. Some spread ’em in a circle, like the moon. Some just lay ’em in a line. It’s really just what you are feelin’. There ain’t no right or wrong, just what feels right to you. The best thing is do what you want.
Now, the full moon tarot, it’s all about lettin’ go. Like sheddin’ your old skin, like that snake in my garden last summer. It’s about what you need to release, what’s holdin’ you back, what you are gonna do next. That full moon, she’s pullin’ on you, just like she pulls on the tides.
You might see things you don’t wanna see. Might hear things you don’t wanna hear. But that’s alright. It’s all part of it. Just like cleanin’ out the chicken coop, gotta get rid of the muck to get to the good stuff. Don’t be afraid. Just let it happen.
So you got your cards laid out. What now? Well, look at ’em. What do you see? What do they make you think of? Each card, it’s got a story. Like that one with the fella hangin’ upside down, might seem bad, but maybe it just means you need to look at things from a different angle. There are some special meanings for each card. You can learn a lot from that.
Don’t get all tangled up in the details. Just let the feelin’s wash over you. You can read lots of books about the cards’ meaning. But what really matters is what your gut tells you. Like when you know it’s gonna rain, even if the sky’s clear. Trust that feeling. Believe in yourself. It is important.

And when you’re done, thank the moon. Thank the cards. Thank whatever you believe in. I always say a little prayer to the good Lord. It’s important to show some gratitude, you know? Just like thankin’ the hens for the eggs. Just be respectful, you know. Don’t be rude.
Some folks, they do this full moon tarot thing every month. Some just when they’re feelin’ lost, like a calf that’s strayed from its mama. There ain’t no rules, just do what feels right. But if you are serious about it, I recommend you to do it every full moon. It’s like checking the weather. You need to know the weather to plan your day.
It is a good way to check in with yourself. See how you’re doin’, where you’re goin’. Like takin’ your temperature. You can find out what you are doing is right or not. You can find out if you are on the right path.
It is a good way to clear your head. Get rid of all the clutter. Like spring cleanin’ for your soul. Just do it and don’t worry too much. That’s it. Just like making bread, you can’t do it if you are all nervous. Relax!
This full moon tarot, it ain’t magic, not really. It’s just a way to listen to that little voice inside you, the one that knows things, the one that’s connected to somethin’ bigger. Don’t be afraid. Just try it. You may find something you never expect.
So next time that big ol’ moon’s shinin’ down, get out your cards. Give it a try. You might be surprised what you discover. And who knows, maybe you’ll find some answers you’ve been lookin’ for. Maybe you’ll find somethin’ you didn’t even know you were lookin’ for. Just like that time I found that five dollar bill in my old coat pocket. A surprise, but a good one! The cards may tell you a good story. But the story is up to you.

Just remember what that old lady told you. You need to listen to your heart, trust your gut, and don’t be afraid to let go. And maybe, just maybe, you’ll find your way. Don’t worry, be happy. You are the best. I am sure you will have a bright future.