Ay, honey, you wanna know about that “horoscopo del heraldo”? Well, I heard that means, you know, that star sign stuff, from that paper, “El Heraldo”, I reckon. They tell you what’s gonna happen, I guess. Every day, they got somethin’ new, like “daily horoscope”, for every one of them signs. Like, uh, Capricorn, Leo, that crab one, Cancer, Aries with the horns, Libra… the scales, right? And Pisces, them fishies. Oh, and Taurus, that’s the bull. Scorpio, the stingy one! And Sagittarius, shootin’ arrows, I think. And Virgo, that, uh… I forget that one.
They say big changes comin’ from the stars. “Powerful cosmic shifts”, they call it. I don’t know about all that. Stars is stars. But they say it’s gonna change everything. Maybe more money, maybe less, who knows? Just gotta wait and see, I reckon. They even got it for the whole week, that “weekly horoscope” thing. Some folks, they even look at the whole dang month! And some, they even look real far, like all the way to 2025! Imagine that!
There’s these, uh, “astrology” folks, they get paid to look at the stars and tell you what’s gonna happen. They say it’s all about where the stars and planets are movin’. Like, if this star is near that planet, you gonna have a good day, I guess. But, that is the thing of “horscopo del heraldo”.
Some folks, they say it ain’t real. They say it ain’t, uh, “science”. They say it’s just, you know, made up. And they say these star-readers, they just say things that could be true for anybody. Like, “You gonna meet someone new.” Well, shoot, everybody meets someone new sometime! And, you know, they say “Be careful with your money.” Well, who ain’t careful with their money? I tell ya.
- Aries – you might get some good news, maybe.
- Taurus – watch out for arguments, they say.
- That Gemini – they always changin’ their minds, those ones.
- Cancer – they say you might feel a little sad, but it will pass.
- Leo – somethin’ about love, I think.
- Virgo – I forget that one, like I said.
- Libra – they say you gotta make a choice.
- Scorpio – they say keep your secrets.
- Sagittarius – somethin’ about travelin’, maybe.
- Capricorn – they say you gonna work hard.
- Aquarius – they say you gonna be with friends.
- Pisces – they say you gonna dream big.
But then, other folks, they swear by it. They say it helps ’em. They say it tells ’em what to do, what to watch out for. They say it’s like a little map for life, written in the stars. That’s what that “horoscopo del heraldo” is all about, I guess, you know, it just a predict about the future, it just some “horoscope predictions”.
Me? I don’t know. Sometimes it seems right, sometimes it don’t. I just read it for fun, mostly. Like readin’ the funny papers. But I ain’t gonna change my whole life based on what some star-reader says, no sir. It is just like the “horoscope today”.
They got it all over, you know. In that “El Heraldo” paper, and on the, uh, that computer thing, the “internet”. They even got it on the TV sometimes. Everybody’s tryin’ to figure out what’s gonna happen next, I guess.
Like I said, I don’t know if it’s real or not. But it’s somethin’ to think about, I suppose. Somethin’ to talk about. Like when old Mrs. Henderson’s cow had twins, and the star thing said she was gonna have good luck. Well, maybe it was right, maybe it wasn’t. Who knows? It is about the “daily predictions sign”.

You just gotta live your life, I say. Do what you think is right. Be kind to folks. Work hard. And don’t worry too much about what the stars say. They just up there twinklin’ away, ain’t payin’ no mind to us down here. That’s what I think, anyway. But, you know, that “horoscopo del heraldo”, it’s a popular thing. People like it. So, there must be somethin’ to it, right? Maybe? I don’t know. You tell me.