Well, let me tell you, I seen a lot of things in my day. These young folks today, they got their noses stuck in them phones all the time. They don’t look up at the sky no more. Back in my day, we didn’t have no fancy gadgets. We had the stars. And them stars, they tell stories. You just gotta know how to look. Those are horse constellations.
Now, I ain’t no fancy scientist, but I know a thing or two about them horse constellations. They’re like pictures up there, made out of them sparkly stars. Like connect-the-dots, but way up high. These horse constellations are something else.

There’s this one, they call it…Pega-something. Pegasus, that’s it! It’s supposed to be a horse with wings. A flyin’ horse! Imagine that. I always thought that was a mighty fine story. That’s a pretty famous one, that Pegasus. It’s up in the, uh, the top part of the sky. The northern sky, they call it. And the stars of this horse constellation are shining bright.
They say some fella named Ptolemy, from way back when, he was the one who first wrote down all these horse constellations. He saw that winged horse up there, clear as day. Must have had better eyesight than me! I need my spectacles to see anything these days. But those stars of the horse constellation are just beautiful.
Now, if you wanna find these star pictures, these horse constellations, you gotta use one of them star charts. It’s like a map, but for the sky. Shows you where all them sparkly things are supposed to be. Just like we follow the roads down here on the ground, follow the star chart to find the horse constellations.
- First, you gotta figure out which way is north.
- Then you gotta find a dark place, away from all them city lights.
- Then you look up, and you try to match the dots on the chart to the dots in the sky.
- If you do it right, you’ll find the horse constellation!
It ain’t always easy, though. Sometimes them clouds get in the way. And sometimes you just can’t make out the shapes. But don’t you give up! Keep lookin’, and you’ll see ’em. I guarantee those stars of the horse constellation are out there.
There’s another one, they call it Orion. Now, he ain’t a horse, but he’s near a real bright star, name of…Serious? Sounds like a bad mood to me. But anyways, that Serious star, it’s the brightest one up there, they say. And it’s close to Orion. So if you find Orion, you can find that bright star, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll be one step closer to finding them horse constellations.
See, these constellations, they’re just groups of stars. Stars that folks a long time ago thought looked like somethin’. Like that Pegasus, the flyin’ horse. Or Orion, the…whatever he is. A hunter, maybe? It’s all about what you see in ’em. And it is all about using your imagination to find the horse constellation.

Back in my day, we didn’t have no internet to tell us these things. We had stories, passed down from our folks. Stories about the stars and the shapes they made. That Pegasus, that horse constellation, he was a favorite. We’d lay out on the grass on a summer night, lookin’ up at the sky, tryin’ to find him. Good times, them was. And you would be lucky to find the horse constellation.
These young’uns today, they’re missin’ out. They don’t know the stories. They don’t know the magic of them horse constellations. It’s a shame, really. Them stars, they’re a wonder to behold. And the horse constellation is just a sight to see.
So next time you’re out on a clear night, take a look up. See if you can find that Pegasus, that flyin’ horse. Or that bright star, Serious. Or any of them other star pictures. You should try to find the horse constellation, it is something special.
It takes a little patience, a little practice. But it’s worth it. Trust me. There’s a whole world of wonder up there, just waitin’ to be discovered. There are stories in those stars, and those horse constellations, just waitin’ to be told. You might even see somethin’ new, somethin’ nobody’s ever seen before. And it is all about those beautiful horse constellations. Who knows? Maybe you’ll even find your own picture up there, your own constellation, your very own horse constellation. And that’d be somethin’, wouldn’t it?