Okay, so, today I wanted to try out this Ostara tarot spread thing. It’s supposed to be all about renewal ’cause, you know, it’s the Spring Equinox and all that. I saw some people talking about it online and got curious.
First off, I got my tarot deck out. It’s a pretty standard one, nothing fancy. I cleared off my little table, the one I usually use for this kind of stuff, and laid out a nice cloth. I lit a couple of candles, just regular white ones, to set the mood. I mean, why not, right? Makes it feel a bit more special.

I shuffled the cards while thinking about spring and new beginnings. I’m not really sure what I’m looking for, but the idea of a fresh start sounds pretty good right now. After shuffling, I cut the deck into three piles and then put them back together.
The Spread
So this Ostara spread, it’s got a few positions. I followed this guide I found.
- Card 1: What’s been dormant? I pulled the Hanged Man. This could be mean my old guitar lessons? I’ve put them off for so long.
- Card 2: What’s ready to bloom? This one was the Ace of Cups. New emotional beginnings? Maybe I’ll finally start dating again. Who knows.
- Card 3: How can I embrace renewal? The Star showed up here. Hope, faith, optimism. I guess I need to keep a positive outlook.
- Card 4: What to focus on for growth? The Magician. This feels like it’s telling me to take action and use the tools I have, my skills, to make things happen. Maybe get back to those guitar lessons.
- Card 5: What blessings will the new season bring? Ten of Pentacles. This is about abundance and family. Maybe I’ll finally get that raise or something. Or maybe I’ll just have some really nice family time.
After I pulled all the cards, I spent a while just looking at them, thinking about what they could mean in my life. It’s interesting to see these symbols and try to connect them to my own experiences.
I wrote down everything in my journal, along with some of my thoughts. I find that helps me remember the reading later on and it is a very good way to record them.
I also did a little mini-ritual. I had some seeds I’d been meaning to plant, so I planted them in a pot while thinking about what I want to grow in my life this spring. It was a bit muddy, but felt good to get my hands dirty. After that, I sat quietly for a few minutes, just kind of soaking it all in. Then I blew out the candles and put everything away.
Overall, it was a pretty chill experience. I’m not sure if it’ll change my life or anything, but it was a nice way to mark the changing of the seasons and maybe get a little perspective. I think I’ll do this again next year. It’s like a little check-in with myself, you know? Maybe I’ll even make it a regular thing. Spring cleaning for the soul, or something like that.