This here paper, they call it constellation wrapping paper, it’s somethin’ else. You know, like them stars up in the sky, all twinkly and such. I seen it down at the store, Mabel’s daughter, she was buyin’ some for a birthday. Said it’s all the rage now, kids love it. Imagine that, wrappin’ presents with stars!
Back in my day, we just used old newspapers. Sometimes, if it was real special, we’d use brown paper tied with string. But this constellation wrapping paper, it’s got all them pictures of stars. They say there’s 88 of them official star things, constellations, that’s what they call ’em. Eighty-eight! Who can keep track of all that? I can barely remember what I had for breakfast.

Seems like folks like to use this paper to wrap up gifts. They say it is easy to learn. But you know, I reckon it is not necessary to get a college degree for wrapping up a gift. That is just a waste of money. They want you to learn the constellations. They say it is some easily recognizable patterns. Whatever that means. They use the night sky. Night sky is just night sky, I say.
And these star patterns, they ain’t even close together. Just like my chickens, scatterin’ all over the yard. You gotta look real hard to find ’em, I reckon. I seen them city folk pointin’ up at the sky, sayin’ “That’s the Big Dipper” or some such. I just see stars. Lots and lots of stars. Used to be, stars was just for wishin’ on. Now they gotta have names and be in groups. Kids these days.
But this paper, it’s got ’em all laid out nice and neat. No need to go squintin’ at the sky. They put the constellations on the paper for you. Like a map, I guess. A map of the sky. They say it helps you find your way around the stars. Like you’re gonna get lost up there!
Mabel’s daughter, she was sayin’ how you can connect the dots on this constellation wrapping paper. Make pictures out of ’em. Like them connect-the-dots books, you know? Only with stars. She was showin’ me some, sayin’ this one’s a bear, that one’s a hunter. I just saw dots. Lots and lots of dots.
- They say this paper is popular.
- They say kids love it.
- It’s got pictures of constellations.
- Eighty-eight of them!
- You can connect the dots on the paper.
- Like a map of the sky, they say.
I still like plain old brown paper, myself. But I can see why folks like this constellation wrapping paper. It’s kinda pretty, in a way. All them shiny stars on a dark background. Like a little piece of the night sky, right there in your hands.
They got all kinds of these star pictures, too. They say there are some you can see from the city, even with all them bright lights. The best constellations for city folk, they call ’em. Like city folk need special stars. Stars are stars, I say.

Some folks use these telescopes, lookin’ at the stars. Big fancy things, cost a fortune. They say you can see more with ’em. See things you can’t see with your own two eyes. Maybe so. But I reckon my eyes are good enough. I can see the stars just fine. And I can see this constellation wrapping paper just fine, too.
They even got these star charts, like maps but for the sky. They show you where all the constellations are. Like you need a map to find your way around the stars. I reckon it’s all gettin’ a bit too complicated. Stars used to be simple. Now they gotta have names, and be in groups, and you need a map to find ’em.
But this paper, it makes it easy, I guess. All the stars right there, all laid out for you. No need to go searchin’ the sky. Just unroll the paper and there they are. All eighty-eight of them constellations.
I still think it’s a bit silly, wrappin’ presents with stars. But I guess it’s a sign of the times. Everything’s gotta be fancy these days. Even the wrapping paper. I remember a time when newspaper was good enough. Now it has to be constellation wrapping paper.
Maybe I’ll get me some of that paper. Wrap up a little somethin’ for Mabel’s grandson. He likes all that space stuff. Maybe he’ll teach me a thing or two about them constellations. Or maybe I’ll just tell him to look up at the sky and make a wish. That’s what stars are for, ain’t it? Wishing. And lookin’ pretty. Just like this constellation wrapping paper. It’s kinda pretty, I gotta admit. For fancy paper, that is. It has become a trend to wrap up gifts with this paper. But as I said, they just want your money. Wrapping with old newspapers is good enough.