Hey there, you all! Tonight, we gonna talk about that big old super blue moon and them tarot cards. What’s that they call it? Tarot spread? Yeah, that’s it.
What’s this Super Blue Moon Anyway?
Well, let me tell ya, this super blue moon ain’t just your regular moon. It’s like when the moon gets all dressed up and comes closer to us here on Earth. And it’s called “blue” not ’cause it’s sad or blue like a blueberry, but ’cause it’s the second full moon in a month. That’s kinda rare, like finding a four-leaf clover in your backyard!

Tarot Cards and What They Mean
Now, these tarot cards, they’re somethin’ else. Each card, it’s got its own story, like them old picture books we used to read. You got your cups, your swords, them wands, and them pentacles. And they all mean somethin’ different.
- Cups, they’re about feelings, like when you’re happy or sad.
- Swords, them’s about your thoughts and troubles.
- Wands, that’s all about what you do and what you’re passionate about, like knitting or growing the best tomatoes.
- Pentacles, they’re about the stuff you can touch, like money or your house.
How to do a Super Blue Moon Tarot Spread
So, how do you do this super blue moon tarot spread? Well, it ain’t too hard. You just gotta lay out them cards in a way that makes sense to you. Some folks like to lay ’em out in a circle, like a moon, and some like ’em in a straight line, like a row of beans.
First off, you gotta think about what you wanna know. You think and think real hard. Maybe you’re wonderin’ about your love life, or maybe you wanna know if you’re gonna win the lottery. Whatever it is, you gotta hold it tight in your mind.
Then, you shuffle them cards. Shuffle ’em good, like you’re makin’ a pie crust. And while you’re shufflin’, you keep thinkin’ about that question of yours.
When you’re done shufflin’, you start layin’ out the cards. For this super blue moon spread, maybe you lay out three cards. Or five. Some even do more. There ain’t no hard and fast rule. Do what feels right.
One way to do it is to lay out three cards in a row. The first card, that’s about the past. What’s happened already that’s leadin’ to your question. The second card, that’s about the now. What’s goin’ on right this minute. And the third card, that’s about what might happen in the future. Like a little sneak peek!

Readin’ them Cards
Now comes the fun part. You gotta look at each card and figure out what it’s tellin’ ya. Each card, it’s got a picture and a meanin’. Like I said, cups are feelin’s, swords are thoughts, wands are actions, and pentacles are things.
But there’s more to it than that. You gotta look at the picture. What’s happenin’ in the picture? Is the person happy or sad? Are they workin’ hard or are they restin’? And what about them colors? Bright colors usually mean good things, dark colors can mean trouble.
You look at each card by itself, and then you look at ’em all together. How do they fit together? What story are they tellin’ ya? It’s like puttin’ together a puzzle. Each piece means somethin’, but when you put ’em all together, you get the whole picture. That’s your tarot reading.
Super Blue Moon and Your Readin’
Now, why do this readin’ during a super blue moon, you ask? Well, that big ol’ moon, it’s got energy. Lots of it. And that energy, it can help you with your readin’. It’s like when you’re plantin’ seeds. You plant ’em during a certain moon phase, they grow better. Same with this. That moon energy, it can make your readin’ stronger, clearer. Don’t ask me how, it just does. My bones know it.
Also, that super blue moon, it’s a time for change. A time for new beginnings. So, if you’re lookin’ to make a change in your life, this is a good time to do a readin’. Ask them cards what you should do. They might just tell ya!
Some Tips from an Old Timer
Here’s a few tips from someone who’s been around the block a few times. First, trust your gut. If a card feels right, it probably is. Don’t overthink it.

Second, write it down. Get yourself a little notebook and write down what cards you pulled and what you think they mean. That way, you can look back later and see if they were right. Like a diary, but for your tarot readings.
Third, don’t be scared. Them cards, they ain’t gonna bite ya. They’re just there to help. Like a friend givin’ you advice. Don’t need to worry about the cards being bad. They just tell you what you need to hear. Might be hard, but it is what you need.
And last, have fun! This ain’t supposed to be a chore. It’s supposed to be fun. Like playin’ a game. So relax, enjoy it, and see what them cards have to say.
Wrapping it all up like a warm blanket
So, there you have it. That’s how you do a super blue moon tarot spread. It ain’t rocket science. Just you, them cards, and that big ol’ moon. So next time there’s a super blue moon, give it a try. You might just be surprised at what you find out. Tarot card readin’ is good for you. It helps you think. You should try it!
And remember, I ain’t no expert. Just an old lady sharin’ what she knows. So take it with a grain of salt. But give it a try anyway. What have you got to lose? Just shuffle them cards good, and have some fun. Maybe you find somethin’ good, maybe you don’t. But you tried! And that’s what matters. If you keep at it you will learn tarot good.