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Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this here “astrology” thing. Folks always talkin’ about stars and planets and whatnot. I ain’t no scholar, mind you, just an old woman who’s seen a thing or two. But I reckon I can tell ya what I’ve heard and seen.

What is this astrology thing anyway? Some folks call it star-readin’, or somethin’ like that. They say them stars and planets up there, they got somethin’ to do with our lives down here. Like when you was born, under which star, that kinda stuff. They say it can tell ya ’bout your personality, your luck, even what kinda day you gonna have.
Now, I ain’t sure if I believe all that, but it’s been around for a long, long time. Older than me, that’s for sure. I heard tell it goes back to them olden days, way back when. People been lookin’ up at the sky and wonderin’ for ages.
- Some folks, they swear by it.
- They check their horoscopes every day, like they checkin’ the weather.
- They wanna know if they gonna meet a tall, dark stranger, or if they should be careful with their money.
And then there’s them star-readers, like this Eugenia Last woman folks talk about. They say she’s been doin’ this for thirty years or more. Helpin’ folks make decisions, tellin’ ’em what the stars say. I seen her name in the papers, “the last word in astrology” they call it. She gives advice for each day, tellin’ ya what to watch out for.
But does it really work? Well, that’s the million-dollar question, ain’t it? I’ve heard some say it’s all hogwash, just a bunch of hooey. They say them scientists, they don’t believe in it. They say there ain’t no real proof, nothin’ you can measure or see. They say it’s just stories, old wives’ tales.
And then there’s others, like my neighbor Sally, she wouldn’t make a move without checkin’ her horoscope. If it says “avoid conflicts,” she’ll stay home all day. If it says “good day for romance,” she’ll put on her best dress and go to town. She says it helps her, gives her somethin’ to hold onto.
Me? I don’t know what to think. I reckon life is complicated, and maybe there’s more to it than we can see. Maybe them stars do have somethin’ to say, maybe they don’t. But one thing I do know is, you gotta make your own way in this world. You can’t just sit around and wait for the stars to tell you what to do. You gotta work hard, be kind to folks, and trust your own gut.

Celebrity birthdays and astrology: I saw somethin’ in the paper the other day, talkin’ about celebrities and their birthdays, and how it connects to this astrology stuff. Said somethin’ about Amanda Seyfried, Jeremy Lin, and a whole bunch of other folks I never even heard of. Seems like everybody’s got a star sign, famous or not. I guess it’s just another way for folks to feel connected, to feel like they belong to somethin’ bigger than themselves.
So, what’s the last word on this astrology business? I reckon there ain’t no last word. It’s somethin’ folks have been talkin’ about for ages, and they’ll probably keep talkin’ about it long after I’m gone. Maybe it’s real, maybe it ain’t. Maybe it’s just a bit of fun, maybe it’s somethin’ more. You gotta decide for yourself what you believe.
But whether you believe in the stars or not, remember this: be good to yourself, be good to others, and try to make the most of each day. That’s the best advice I can give ya, star-readin’ or no star-readin’.
One more thing, I heard some sayin’ if the star say “Avoid conflicts; work behind the scenes” maybe just keep your head down and don’t go stirrin’ up no trouble. And if they say “You can accomplish” somethin’, well then I say go on and get ‘er done! Don’t be waitin’ around for the stars to give ya permission to live your life. Just get out there and do it!
Anyways, that’s just my two cents on this here astrology thing. Take it or leave it, it ain’t gonna change my day none.
Tags: [Astrology, Eugenia Last, Horoscope, Stars, Planets, Celebrity Birthdays, Last Word in Astrology, Daily Advice, Zodiac Signs]