Well, howdy there! Let’s gab a bit about this here zodiac signs calendar thingy. I ain’t no scholar, mind you, but I’ve heard folks chatterin’ about it, so I reckon I can piece together some sense for ya.
First off, what are these zodiac signs anyways? They’re like little pictures in the sky, stars all bunched up together. Folks say they got names and meanings and all that. There’s twelve of ’em, like a big ol’ family.

- Aries
- Taurus
- Gemini
- Cancer
- Leo
- Virgo
- Libra
- Scorpio
- Sagittarius
- Capricorn
- Aquarius
- Pisces
See? A whole passel of ’em.
Now, this calendar part, that’s just how we track the days and months, right? But some folks, they like to line up them zodiac signs with the calendar. They say it tells ya somethin’ about yer personality or what might happen. Kinda like how the old timers used to say, “Plant yer corn when the moon’s full,” ya know?
So, how do they match up? Well, each sign gets a chunk of time, like a birthday month or somethin’. Aries, they say, starts things off in the spring. Then comes Taurus, stubborn as a mule, and then them chatty Geminis. Cancer, the crabby one, shows up in the summer, followed by the proud Leo. Virgo, always fussin’ and fixin’, leads into Libra, tryin’ to keep everything balanced.
Then comes the spooky part of the year, with Scorpio, all mysterious and intense. Sagittarius, the wanderer, likes to roam around, and Capricorn, the goat, climbs to the top. Aquarius, they’re a bit odd, always thinkin’ different, and finally, Pisces, the fish, swims along at the end. It’s like a whole year-long story, with each sign playin’ its part.
Now, some smarty-pants folks, they talk about cusps. That’s when yer born right on the edge of two signs. Like, maybe yer half-Aries and half-Taurus. Makes ya kinda like a mixed breed dog, I reckon, a little bit of this and a little bit of that. They say it makes yer personality even more… interestin’.
And then there’s the moon. Not just the regular ol’ moon, but the new moon and the full moon. Them astrology folks, they say the moon’s got somethin’ to do with it all too. Like, when the moon’s full, everythin’’s a bit wilder, ya know? More energy, more craziness.

Some folks, they read these zodiac signs like a map. They wanna know what the stars say about their love life, their job, their money. They look for compatibility, seein’ which signs get along and which ones don’t. Like, maybe a fiery Aries ain’t gonna do so well with a watery Pisces. It’s all about them elements, they say – fire, earth, air, and water.
And if you’re really gettin’ into it, you gotta figure out yer rising sign and yer moon sign. Not just yer regular ol’ sun sign, which is the one most folks know about. Them other signs, they’re like secret ingredients in a cake, addin’ extra flavor to yer personality. Sun sign is what you show the world, the moon sign is yer insides, yer feelings, and the rising sign is how you come across to folks when they first meet ya.
Now, I ain’t sayin’ I believe in all this hocus pocus, mind ya. But it’s kinda fun to think about, ain’t it? Like lookin’ up at the stars and wonderin’ what it all means. And if it helps ya understand yerself or the folks around ya a little better, well, what’s the harm in that?
There’s a whole lot more to it, I’m sure. Talk about planets movin’ around and goin’ retrograde, which just means they look like they’re goin’ backwards, even though they ain’t really. And there’s somethin’ called decans, which divides each sign into three little parts, like slices of a pie. But honestly, it all starts to sound like a bunch of gobbledegook to me after a while.
So, there ya have it. A little bit of this and a little bit of that about the zodiac signs calendar. Take it with a grain of salt, I say. But who knows, maybe there’s somethin’ to it after all. Maybe them stars up there are tryin’ to tell us somethin’. Or maybe they’re just pretty lights in the sky. Either way, it don’t hurt to look up once in a while and wonder.
And remember, there was talk about some thirteenth sign, Ophiuchus, but them old Babylonians, they decided to leave it out. Don’t ask me why, those folks were long gone before I was even a twinkle in my daddy’s eye! Anyways, it don’t change much, the twelve signs are what folks mostly use and what you’ll see on them zodiac signs calendars.