Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s chew the fat about this here 1851 Chinese zodiac thing, alright? Don’t rightly know much about fancy city folks’ ways, but I reckon I can spin a yarn or two about it, same as anyone.
Now, 1851, that was a long time ago, back when my grandpappy was just a little whippersnapper. The Chinese, they got this whole zodiac thing figured out, animals and all. It ain’t like our barnyard critters, though. They got this whole cycle, twelve of ‘em, goin’ round and round, year after year.

1851, that there was the year of the Pig. Yep, a pig. Not the muddy kind that wallows in the pigpen, mind you, but a… well, a fancier pig, I guess. These Chinese folks, they say the Pig means you’re kind-hearted, maybe a little bit on the lazy side, but good folks all the same. They like their comforts, them Pig people, and they enjoy a good meal, that’s for sure. Can’t say I blame ‘em, I like a good plate of vittles myself.
But see, it ain’t just about the year you’re born in. They got this whole hour thing too, like what time of day you popped out. They call it your “secret animal.” Imagine that! A secret animal just for you, hidin’ inside. It’s like your real, true self, the one you don’t show to just anybody. Maybe you’re a tough ol’ Rooster on the outside, but inside, you’re a gentle little Rabbit. Who knows?
Now, this here Pig year, 1851… what kinda folks were born then? Well, I reckon they’d be gettin’ on in years now, if they were still around. They’d probably seen a whole heap of changes in the world, more than I can even imagine. From horse-drawn buggies to them fancy horseless carriages they got now, and them contraptions that let you talk to folks miles away… it’s a whole new world, ain’t it?
- Traits of the Pig: Kind, honest, maybe a little bit gullible, but always tryin’ to do the right thing. They like the good life, good food, and good company. They ain’t ones for conflict, preferrin’ to keep the peace.
- The 12 Animals: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. Each one has its own special somethin’, its own way of lookin’ at the world.
- The “Secret Animal”: This here’s the animal that represents your true self, based on the hour you were born. It’s like your hidden personality, the one that only comes out when you’re really yourself.
They say these animals, they had a big ol’ race to decide the order of the zodiac. The Rat, he was a sneaky fella, hitched a ride on the Ox to get across the river, then jumped off at the last minute to win. The Pig, well, he was a bit slow, always stoppin’ to eat and take a nap, so he came in last. But that don’t mean he ain’t important, no sirree. Every animal has its place, its own special role to play.
And you know what else? They got all these stories about why the animals are the way they are. Like, why the Dragon ain’t got no horns no more, or why the Cat ain’t in the zodiac at all. Seems the Rat tricked him, the sneaky little varmint! These stories, they been passed down for generations, just like the stories I used to hear from my grandma.
So, this 1851 Chinese zodiac, the year of the Pig… it’s more than just a bunch of animals. It’s about who you are, deep down inside. It’s about your place in the world, your strengths, and your weaknesses. It’s about the cycle of life, the comin’ and goin’ of the years, and how we’re all connected, just like them animals in the zodiac wheel. It’s like a big ol’ puzzle, and each animal is a piece of it.

Understanding the Chinese zodiac, it ain’t no different from understandin’ the seasons, or the way the crops grow. It’s about payin’ attention to the world around you, seein’ the patterns, and learnin’ from the stories that folks tell. It’s about findin’ your place in the grand scheme of things, and livin’ your life the best way you know how, whether you’re a Pig, a Dragon, or a plain ol’ Rooster like me.
And that’s all I gotta say ‘bout that. It’s a whole lot to take in, I know. But it’s interesting, ain’t it? Makes you think about how the world works, and how we’re all just a small part of somethin’ bigger. So next time you see a pig, don’t just think of bacon, think of the Chinese zodiac, and all the secrets it holds. You might just learn a thing or two.