Well, let me tell ya somethin’ about this Chinese zodiac thing, ya know, the animal years. It’s a whole bunch of critters, twelve of ’em, and they take turns bein’ the boss of the year. Don’t ask me how they figured it out, them old-timers were clever, I guess.
First comes the Rat, sneaky little fella, always scurrying around. Then there’s the Ox, big and strong, does all the hard work. After that, the Tiger, fierce and loud, roars like nobody’s business. Then comes the Rabbit, all soft and fluffy, always hoppin’ around.

- Rat
- Ox
- Tiger
- Rabbit
- Dragon
- Snake
- Horse
- Goat
- Monkey
- Rooster
- Dog
- Pig
Now, the Dragon, that’s somethin’ special. Not a real animal, ya know, but a big, powerful, lucky thing. Folks born in Dragon year, they’re supposed to be somethin’ else. Then slithers in the Snake, quiet and sneaky, watches everything. And then, the Horse, runnin’ and gallopin’, full of energy. The Goat, gentle and kind, munches on grass all day.
Next up, the Monkey, clever and playful, always gettin’ into mischief. Then we got the Rooster, crowin’ in the mornin’, wakes everybody up. The Dog, loyal and true, always there for ya. And last but not least, the Pig, happy and content, always eatin’ and sleepin’. That’s the whole bunch of ’em.
They say each animal year gives you different luck and different ways of bein’. Don’t know how much of it’s true, but it’s fun to think about, ain’t it? Like, if you’re born in the year of the Pig, you’re supposed to be lucky and happy. If you’re a Tiger, you’re brave and strong. Me? I ain’t tellin’ ya which one I am, that’s personal.
This whole thing goes in a circle, ya see. Every twelve years, it starts all over again. Rat, Ox, Tiger… all the way to Pig, then back to Rat. They call it a cycle, kinda like how the seasons change, winter to spring, summer to fall, then back to winter again. It’s been goin’ on for a long, long time, they say. Hundreds and hundreds of years, maybe even thousands. My grandma used to tell me about it, and her grandma before her. So, it’s been around a while, this zodiac thing.
Now, about that Chinese calendar… it’s a bit different from ours. Their months are shorter, some days twenty-nine, some days thirty. Not like our nice and neat thirty or thirty-one days. And they add in an extra month every now and then to keep things straight with the sun and the moon. Sounds complicated, don’t it? But they figured it out, somehow. Smart folks, I tell ya.
So, how do you know which animal year you are? Well, there’s charts and stuff, you can look ‘em up. They got it all figured out, from way back when to way in the future. You just find your birth year, and it’ll tell ya which animal you are. Easy peasy. Or you can ask someone who knows, like me. But I ain’t tellin’ just anyone, ya gotta earn it.

They say some animals get along better than others. Like, maybe the Rat and the Dragon are friends, but the Ox and the Goat might not be. And some years are supposed to be luckier than others, dependin’ on the animal. It’s all a bunch of hooey, some folks say, but it’s fun to think about. Gives ya somethin’ to talk about, anyway.
And these years, they ain’t just about animals, they got other stuff too, like elements. Metal, water, wood, fire… all sorts of things. It gets real complicated if you wanna get into it, but I don’t bother with all that. Too much for my old brain to handle. I just stick to the animals, that’s enough for me.
So, that’s the Chinese zodiac in a nutshell, the way I see it. A bunch of animals, a calendar, and a whole lot of stories. Don’t take it too serious, just have fun with it. And if you wanna know more, go look it up yourself. There’s plenty of books and stuff out there about it. Or just ask your grandma, she probably knows more than you think.
And remember, every twelve years, your animal year comes back around. So, you get to be the boss of the year, kinda. Makes ya feel special, don’t it? Even if it’s just for a little while.
And that’s all I gotta say about that Chinese zodiac calendar year. Hope ya learned somethin’. Now, go on and do somethin’ useful. There’s chores to be done, ya know. Ain’t nobody got time to just sit around and talk about animals all day. But it’s good to know these things, helps ya understand the world a little better. Or at least makes it a little more interestin’!