Well, howdy folks! Let’s chew the fat about this here new calendar zodiac thing. I ain’t no scholar, mind you, just a plain ol’ woman tryin’ to make sense of it all. But I heard tell there’s some newfangled stuff goin’ on with the stars, and I reckon it’s worth a look-see.
So, they’re talkin’ ’bout this Ophiuchus feller. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? They say he’s a snake-holder, which is kinda spooky if you ask me. Apparently, some folks want him to be the 13th sign in that there zodiac. Now, I always thought there was just 12, like them months in a year. But I guess things change, even up yonder in the sky.
Now, some say this Ophiuchus business is old hat, been around for ages. Others say it’s just a bunch of hooey. Me? I ain’t so sure. I always figured them stars had some kinda pull on us, but whether it’s this new feller or the old ones, I reckon it’s all the same in the wash.
- Zodiac Signs: They say these signs tell ya about yer personality and all that. Like if you’re a ram, you’re stubborn, or if you’re a crab, you’re cranky. I don’t know ’bout all that. I’ve met plenty of stubborn rams who were sweet as pie, and some crabs who were just plain jolly.
- Horoscopes: These here things are supposed to tell ya what’s gonna happen in yer future. Like if you’re gonna meet a tall, dark stranger or come into some money. I ain’t never put much stock in ’em myself. Seems to me, life’s what you make it, not what some stars say it’s gonna be.
They say in 2024, the sun’s gonna be hoppin’ around all over the place. First it’s in Capricorn, then it’s in Aquarius, then it’s in Pisces, and so on. Sounds like it’s gonna be a busy year for that sun. I hope it don’t get too tired! They also say on January 15 it goes to Capricorn, on February 13 to Aquarius, and on March 14 to Pisces. On April 13, it’s in Aries, May 14 in Taurus.
Some folks are wonderin’ if there’s gonna be even more new zodiac signs in 2025. Heck, I don’t know. At this rate, we’re gonna need a whole new calendar just to keep up with all them signs! It’s enough to make your head spin, ain’t it?
Now, I’ve heard tell this here calendar with all the star stuff is important for keepin’ track of when them planets move around. They call it planetary transits or somethin’ fancy like that. I guess it helps folks figure out when things are gonna be good or bad, or when’s a good time to plant yer crops or get hitched. Me, I just go by the feel of the weather and the look of the moon.
Astrology events? Sounds like a whole lot of fuss to me. But I reckon if it makes folks happy, then more power to ’em. I ain’t gonna judge. We all got our own ways of makin’ sense of this crazy world, and if lookin’ at the stars helps, then so be it.
But I tell ya what, all this talk about new signs and planets movin’ around, it makes me think about how small we are in the grand scheme of things. Just a bunch of ants crawlin’ around on this here earth, while them stars are doin’ their own thing way up yonder. It’s kinda humbling, ain’t it?

So, what’s the bottom line on this new calendar zodiac? Well, I reckon it’s up to you to decide what you believe. If you wanna follow them horoscopes and see what Ophiuchus has in store for ya, go right ahead. But if you’d rather just go with yer gut and trust in the good Lord above, that’s fine too. Me? I’ll just keep on livin’ my life the best I can, and let them stars do their thing. After all, whether there’s 12 signs or 13, the sun’s still gonna rise in the east and set in the west, and that’s good enough for me.
And who knows, maybe this here Ophiuchus feller will turn out to be a good egg after all. Maybe he’ll bring us some luck or help us figure out some of life’s mysteries. Or maybe he’ll just be another pretty picture in the sky. Either way, I reckon we’ll be alright. We always are.
This here sidereal and tropical zodiac they talk about, it’s like lookin’ at the same thing from two different windows, see? One window’s lookin’ at where the stars really are, and the other’s lookin’ at where they used to be, or where they seem to be from here on Earth. It’s like how my grandpa used to tell time by the sun, but the clock on the wall told a slightly different time. Both were right in their own way, just dependin’ on how you looked at it.
And as for them astrological aspects, well, that’s just fancy talk for how them planets and stars are chatterin’ amongst themselves. Like when the moon’s full, the dogs howl more, and folks get a bit restless. It’s all connected, see? Just like how when it rains, the creek rises, and the fish bite better. One thing leads to another.
So, there ya have it. My two cents on this here new calendar zodiac. It ain’t much, but it’s honest. And remember, folks, don’t take life too serious. Just keep yer chin up, yer heart open, and yer feet on the ground. And maybe, just maybe, take a peek at them stars every now and then. They might just surprise ya.