Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about this winter thingy, the winter solstice tarot spread 2023, you know? Folks say it’s a big deal, longest night of the year and all that jazz. Some call it Yule, sounds fancy, huh?
Anyways, winter, it’s cold, real cold. Everything outside just kinda shrivels up and goes to sleep. Days get shorter, nights get longer, feels like the sun just gave up and went home. But, they say this winter solstice is also about the light comin’ back. Like a little flicker in the darkness.

- Winter Solstice: Longest night, turning point, light returns.
- Darkness and Cold: Nature slows down, everything is quiet.
- Return of Light: Hope, new beginnings, things will get better.
Now, this tarot thing, it’s like lookin’ into a magic mirror, but with cards. People use ’em to figure stuff out, you know? Like, what’s gonna happen next, or what they should do. And for this winter solstice, they got a special way of layin’ out them cards, a winter solstice tarot spread.
I ain’t no expert, mind you, but from what I gather, it’s about connectin’ with yourself, that inner wisdom folks talk about. It’s like askin’ your own heart what’s what. And this winter solstice time, seems like a good time to do that, when everything’s quiet and still. You can really hear yourself think, if you know what I mean.
They say this year, 2023, is somethin’ called the Year of the Chariot. Sounds important. Guess it means you gotta ask yourself some hard questions. Like, what are you doin’ with your life? Where you goin’? That kinda stuff.
And then there’s this Empress card. She’s all about creatin’ things, growin’ things. And the number three, that’s her number. Means things comin’ together, harmony, you know, like a good quilt where all the pieces fit just right. So maybe this winter solstice is about planting seeds, not just in the ground, but in your life too.
So, how do you do this winter solstice tarot spread thingy? Well, like I said, I ain’t no pro, but I heard you gotta shuffle them cards, thinkin’ about what you wanna know. Then you lay ’em out in a special pattern, each card meanin’ somethin’ different. Some folks say it’s about reflecting on the past year and setting intentions for the new one, but it seems like you can ask just about anything.
One card might be about the darkness you’re leaving behind, another about the light you’re reachin’ for. Another might be about what you need to let go of, and another about what you need to embrace. It’s like a roadmap for your soul, they say.

I reckon it’s all about findin’ your own way, your own light in the darkness. Winter can be tough, but it ain’t forever. Just like that longest night, it always gives way to the dawn. And maybe that’s what this winter solstice tarot spread is all about: findin’ that little spark of hope, that little bit of light, and lettin’ it grow.
Whether you’re witchy or not, it’s about thinkin’ and feelin’. It’s about takin’ a moment to stop and listen to your own heart. And in this crazy world, that ain’t such a bad thing, is it? So, this winter solstice, maybe find yourself some cards, or just sit quiet for a spell, and see what your own heart has to say.
This whole thing about the ‘astronomical winter’ and the solstice being the first day, well, that sounds about right. It sure feels like winter when that day rolls around! It’s a time to be thankful for what you have, and to look forward to what’s coming.
So that’s the gist of it, this winter solstice tarot spread 2023. A time for thinkin’, feelin’, and findin’ your light. And maybe, just maybe, a little bit of magic too.