Alright, let’s talk about this animal zodiac thing, you know, the one with all them critters. I ain’t no scholar or nothin’, but I heard enough stories ’bout it to tell ya somethin’.
So, they got this whole calendar thing, see? It ain’t like our regular calendar with January and all that. This one’s all about animals, twelve of ’em, goin’ round and round in a big circle, year after year. It’s a 12-year cycle thing, they say. And each year, it’s a different animal’s turn.

First off, there’s the Rat. Yeah, a rat! Imagine that, startin’ with a rat. But they say these Rat folks are smart, good at savin’ money, like squirrels buryin’ nuts, I guess. Then comes the Ox, big and strong, workin’ hard in the fields, just like my old Bessie back on the farm.
- Rat
- Ox
- Tiger
- Rabbit
- Dragon
- Snake
- Horse
- Goat
- Monkey
- Rooster
- Dog
- Pig
After the Ox, it’s the Tiger. Now, them Tigers, they’re brave and powerful, like a big ol’ tomcat, but way scarier. Then comes the Rabbit, all cute and fluffy, but quick and clever too. They say Rabbit people are gentle, but don’t underestimate ’em!
Then we get to the fancy ones. There’s the Dragon, a big, fire-breathin’ lizard, if you believe the stories. Not that I ever seen one, mind you. Dragon year is supposed to be lucky, they say. Then there’s the Snake, slitherin’ around, kinda sneaky, but wise, some folks say. Not sure I trust a snake, myself.
Next up is the Horse. Ah, Horses, now there’s a creature! Fast and strong, runnin’ like the wind. Horse people, they’re energetic, always on the go. Then comes the Goat, or sometimes they call it a Sheep. Gentle creatures, they are, always munchin’ on grass.
After the Goat, it gets a little wild again. We got the Monkey, all playful and mischievous, swingin’ from the trees, gettin’ into trouble. Then comes the Rooster, crowin’ at the crack of dawn, wakein’ everybody up. Rooster people are proud and loud, like that ol’ rooster we had back home.
And then we’re comin’ to the end, almost. We got the Dog, man’s best friend, they say. Loyal and true, always there to protect ya. Dog people, they’re good folks, honest and reliable. And finally, last but not least, the Pig. Now, some folks might think a Pig is just a Pig, but they say Pig people are lucky and prosperous. Always got plenty to eat, I guess.

So that’s the whole shebang, twelve animals in a circle, goin’ round and round. And they say the year you’re born in, that animal, it tells ya somethin’ ’bout your personality. I don’t know how much stock I put in it, but it’s a fun story, ain’t it? Now, where was I? Oh yeah, gotta go feed them chickens.
And this here calendar, it ain’t just in one place, ya know. I heard tell it’s all over, in China, Korea, and other places too. They all use this lunar calendar, goin’ by the moon and all that. It’s different from our way, but it’s been around for ages, so there must be somethin’ to it.
So, if you wanna know your animal, you gotta figure out what year you were born in, then see where it falls in that twelve-year cycle. It’s kinda like countin’ on your fingers, but with animals instead. And like I said, this ain’t just some old wives’ tale. People take this seriously, plannin’ their lives and all. Like, they might decide when to get married or start a business based on what animal year it is. Me, I just plant my crops when the weather’s right, but to each their own, I say.
Anyways, it’s good to know a little bit about these things, even if you don’t believe in ’em. It’s part of the world, part of different folks’ ways of thinkin’. And who knows, maybe there’s somethin’ to it after all. Maybe that animal year you were born in does say somethin’ ’bout you. But even if it don’t, it’s a good story, ain’t it? And stories, well, they’re important too.
And remember, if someone asks you what your animal is, you just tell ’em! Don’t be shy. It’s just a fun way of lookin’ at things, like lookin’ at the clouds and seein’ different shapes. Ain’t no harm in it, and who knows, you might learn somethin’ new about yourself or your friends. Just like knowin’ the best time to plant beans, knowin’ your animal can’t hurt none.
Tags: [animal zodiac, chinese zodiac, korean zodiac, lunar calendar, rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, goat, monkey, rooster, dog, pig]