Alright, let’s talk about this… this… constel… constel… oh, whatever them fancy folks call it. Constelaciones familiares, yeah, that’s the ticket. In Bogota, no less. Big city stuff, but I’ll tell ya, it ain’t so different from what we got goin’ on here, just dressed up in fancier words.

So, what is it? Well, some German fella, Bert Hell-inger or somethin’, cooked it up. Says it’s a way to get rid of your fears and, you know, all them things you feel like you’re missin’ in life. Like, you’re always scared of the dark? Can’t seem to hold onto money? Always pickin’ fights with your kin? This here thing, it’s supposed to help with that.
What’s the big deal, you ask? Well, they say it ain’t just about fixin’ your own problems. It’s about seein’ how you fit into your whole family, like a puzzle piece, ya know? And sometimes, that puzzle piece got jammed in the wrong place, or it’s missin’ a bit, and that’s what’s causin’ all the trouble. This family thingy, it tries to put that puzzle back together right.
Now, in Bogota, they got all sorts of places doin’ this. Centers, doctors… shrinks, they call ‘em. You can find ‘em all over. Just gotta look. They’ll sit you down, or maybe get you in a group, and they’ll help you sort through your family baggage. Figure out who’s carryin’ what, and how to put it down so you can all move on.
- They help you understand where your sicknesses come from. Like, maybe your grandma was always worried sick, and now you got a bad stomach. They say it’s all connected.
- They help you make peace with life. Life ain’t always easy, you know? Bad things happen. This thing, it helps you accept that and move on.
- They help you heal your hurts. We all got ‘em. Stuff from the past that keeps comin’ back to bite ya. This helps you deal with it.
- They even help you with money problems! Imagine that. Guess money troubles run in families too.
- And they give you the strength you need to keep goin’. Life’s hard, like I said, and sometimes you just need a little somethin’ to keep you goin’.
Now, this ain’t free, mind you. Nothin’ is, these days. They gotta make a livin’ too. In Colombia, they charge somethin’ like 240,000 pesos for a session. But if you just want to go and watch, or maybe join a group thing, it’s cheaper, like 9,000 to 30,000 pesos. Depends on who’s runnin’ the show.
And there’s this fella, Jorge Llano, they call him a big master of this stuff. He’s in Bogota too, I think. Seems like a smart fella, knowin’ all about these family things.
So, what’s it all mean? Well, to me, it sounds like they’re tryin’ to help folks understand their families better. And that ain’t a bad thing. We all got family, and family can be complicated. Lots of love, but lots of hurt too. Maybe this… constel… constel… thing, maybe it can help with that. Maybe it can help folks untangle all them knots and find some peace.
It’s like lookin’ at your family tree, but not just the names and dates. It’s lookin’ at the stories, the secrets, the hurts, and the love that got passed down from one generation to the next. And sometimes, them stories and hurts, they get stuck, like a burr in your sock. And this family thing, it helps you pull out that burr so you can walk easier.
I don’t know if it works for everyone, but hey, if you’re in Bogota and you’re feelin’ lost or stuck, maybe it’s worth a try. Nothin’ wrong with tryin’ to understand yourself and your family a little better. We all could use a little help sometimes, whether it’s from a fancy doctor in the city or just a good friend over a cup of coffee.
And remember, even if you can’t afford fancy therapies, just talkin’ to your kin, sharin’ stories, and tryin’ to understand each other can go a long way. That’s the real family fixin’, right there. But if you need that extra somethin’, this family puzzle work might just be the ticket.
Tags: [Family Constellations, Bogota, Therapy, Family Therapy, Healing, Relationships, Bert Hellinger, Jorge Llano, Colombia]