Well, howdy there, y’all! Let’s chew the fat about this here 13th zodiac thingamajig. Folks been jabberin’ about it, so I figured I’d put in my two cents, ya know?
Now, I ain’t no fancy astrologer or nothin’, but I heard tell there’s this extra zodiac sign they call Ophiuchus. Sounds like a mouthful, don’t it? Some say it falls between November 29th and December 17th, give or take a day. So, if your birthday’s in there, maybe you ain’t exactly who you thought you were, horoscope-wise.

But hold your horses! This Ophiuchus fella, he ain’t exactly on the official zodiac list, like them other twelve. You know, the Aries, Taurus, Gemini, and all them fellas. It’s kinda like an extra slice of pie nobody asked for, but it’s there anyway.
This whole zodiac thing, it’s like a big ol’ calendar in the sky, they say. It tells ya when the moon’s full, when it’s new, and all that jazz. And they got these planets movin’ around too, sometimes goin’ backwards, sometimes for’ards. It’s enough to make your head spin, I tell ya.
So, if you’re curious about this 13th sign, Ophiuchus, let’s break it down a bit. They say it comes after Scorpio and before Sagittarius. Now, I ain’t got much truck with Scorpios, always seemin’ so secretive, and Sagittarians, well, they’re always gallivantin’ around, restless as a hound dog on a hot day.
- Capricorn: January 20 to February 16. Them Capricorns, they’re stubborn as mules, but they get things done.
- Aquarius: February 16 to March 11. Aquarians are kinda quirky, always thinkin’ outside the box, like them city folk with their fancy gadgets.
- Pisces: March 11 to April 18. Pisces are dreamers, always got their heads in the clouds, kinda like me when I’m thinkin’ about my prize-winning tomatoes.
- Aries: April 18 to May 13. Aries are fiery, always ready for a fight, like that rooster we had that used to chase the mailman.
- Ophiuchus: November 29 to December 17. Like I said, this one’s a bit of a wild card.
- Sagittarius: December 17 to January 20. And then we’re back to the ones we mostly know.
Now, they got dates and times for all these signs, when the new moon comes, when the full moon shines, all that stuff. I reckon it’s useful for plantin’ crops and such, knowin’ when the moon’s gonna be right. But as for tellin’ your fortune, well, I take it with a grain of salt, you know?
Some folks, they swear by the horoscopes, read ’em every day like it’s the gospel truth. But me? I figure life’s too short to worry about what the stars say. You gotta make your own luck, work hard, and treat folks right. That’s my kinda horoscope.
But hey, if you’re one of them Ophiuchus folks, born between November 29th and December 17th, don’t let it get you down that you ain’t on the main list. You’re special, just like a four-leaf clover or a double-yolk egg. Embrace it, I say!

So, there you have it, my take on this 13th zodiac calendar thing. It’s a bit of a kerfuffle, ain’t it? But whether you’re an Aries, a Taurus, a Gemini, or even one of them Ophiuchus folks, just remember to be yourself, and don’t let nobody tell you different. And that’s the long and short of it, as I see it.
And remember, this here Ophiuchus fella, he ain’t always included in them horoscopes you see in the newspaper or on the internet. So if you’re looking for your daily reading, you might still be lookin’ at Sagittarius or Scorpio, dependin’ on the date. Don’t go gettin’ your feathers ruffled if you can’t find Ophiuchus right off the bat.
Anyways, I gotta go feed the chickens now. Y’all take care, and don’t forget to look up at the stars every once in a while. They’re purdy, even if they don’t always make sense.
And one more thing. Don’t you go frettin’ too much about this zodiac stuff. Just live your life the best you can. That’s all any of us can do, right?
Tags: [13th zodiac sign, Ophiuchus, zodiac calendar, astrology, horoscopes, birth dates, new moon, full moon, planets, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Sagittarius]