Alright, let’s talk about them tarot cards, you know, the ones with all them fancy pictures. Folks say they can tell ya things, but first, ya gotta get them cards all mixed up right. It ain’t just shufflin’ like ya do with regular playin’ cards, no sirree. This here is serious business, gotta put your heart and soul into it, or so they say.
First off, get yourself a deck of tarot cards. Don’t go buyin’ some fancy-schmancy one, just a regular one will do. They got all sorts of pictures on ’em, kings and queens and such, and some other weird stuff too. Don’t worry about knowin’ what it all means yet, we’ll get to that later.

Now, for mixin’ them up, what they call “adjustin’”. Some folks, they hold half the cards in one hand and half in the other. Then, they kinda let ’em fall into the left hand, pullin’ from the bottom and puttin’ ’em on top. They do this over and over ’til the cards are all mixed up good. They say this puts your own “energy” into the cards, whatever that means. Sounds like a lot of work to me, but hey, if it works, it works.
Me? I like the easy way. I just deal them cards out into piles, ya know, like when you’re playin’ a game. Or sometimes, I just hold the whole dang deck and drop bits of it into different piles. Then, I gather them all up again into one big pile. Simple as that. Good enough for beginners, they say, and I reckon I’m still a beginner even after all these years. This here way is easy peasy, and it gets the job done just fine. No need to make things harder than they gotta be, right?
- Pile ’em up
- Drop ’em down
- Gather ’em back
Now, some folks get real serious about this tarot stuff. They study them cards, each and every one, tryin’ to figure out what they all mean. They got books and stuff, tellin’ ya about the “Fool” and the “Magician” and all that jazz. And they got these fancy ways of layin’ out the cards, what they call “spreads.” Makes my head spin, it does. But I guess if you wanna be a real tarot reader, you gotta learn all that stuff.
But for just gettin’ started? Just mix them cards up good, however you like, and then start pullin’ ’em out. That’s what I do anyways. It’s a good way to get going. No need to get all fancy right off the bat. Just take it slow and easy, and you’ll get the hang of it. Or maybe you won’t. Tarot ain’t for everyone, that’s for sure.
And don’t go thinkin’ them cards are gonna tell ya the future or somethin’. They ain’t magic, ya know. They just kinda give ya somethin’ to think about, a different way of lookin’ at things. Like, if you pull a card with a sad-lookin’ fella on it, maybe it means you’re feelin’ a bit down. Or if you pull a card with a bunch of gold coins, maybe it means you’re gonna come into some money. Or maybe it don’t mean nothin’ at all. It’s all just a bunch of hooey if you ask me, but it can be fun hooey sometimes.
So, yeah, that’s pretty much all there is to it. Get yourself some tarot cards, mix ’em up good, and then start pullin’ ’em out. Don’t overthink it, and don’t take it too serious. It’s just a game, after all. Or maybe it ain’t. Who knows? I sure don’t. But hey, it’s somethin’ to do when you’re bored, right? And sometimes, just sometimes, them cards can make you think about things in a different way. And that ain’t such a bad thing, I reckon. This here tarot business is about learnin’ about yourself, or so they tell me. It’s a journey, they call it. A journey of self-discovery. Sounds fancy, don’t it?

Remember, keep them cards in a safe place, and don’t let just anyone go messin’ with ’em. They’re special, see? Or maybe they ain’t. Like I said, who really knows? But it’s always better to be safe than sorry, that’s what my mama always said. And mama always knew best, even if she didn’t know a thing about tarot cards.
So there you have it. My way of adjustin’ tarot cards. Simple, ain’t it? Now go on and try it yourself. And if you figure out what it all really means, be sure to let me know. I’m still tryin’ to figure it out after all these years.