Well, let me tell ya ’bout this here retro impression tarot thing. Folks always wanna know ’bout the future, right? Like, what’s gonna happen tomorrow, next week, next year? It’s human nature, I reckon.
Now, this tarot stuff, it ain’t no magic crystal ball, mind you. It’s more like… well, it’s like lookin’ at pictures and tryin’ to figure out what they mean. Like them old inkblot tests, kinda.

I heard some folks say it ain’t ’bout gettin’ the “right” answer, but askin’ the right question. That makes sense, I guess. If you ask a silly question, you gonna get a silly answer, right? It’s like askin’ the cow if it wants tea. She gonna moo at ya, that’s what.
- So, what can these cards tell ya? Some say they can give ya a “yes” or “no” answer.
- But then others say, “No sirree, tarot don’t do no yes or no!” They say you gotta look at the cards real careful and figure out what they’re tryin’ to tell ya.
Now, I seen some folks use this “yes/no tarot” spread. They got these cards with pictures on ’em, and they lay ’em out in a certain way. Then they look at the pictures and try to see if it’s a “yes” or a “no”. It’s like weighin’ things on a scale, see? One side is “yes,” the other side is “no.” The cards help ya figure out which way the scale tips.
But like I said, some folks don’t think that’s how it works. They say you can’t just get a “yes” or “no” from these cards. You gotta use your brain, see? You gotta look at the pictures and think about what they mean for you. It ain’t like the cards are gonna tell ya straight out, “You gonna win the lottery!” or “Don’t go near that there chicken coop!” You gotta do some thinkin’ yourself.
I heard tell of a story ’bout a woman who got a card that looked scary. Somethin’ called the “Temperance” card, I think. Now, she coulda freaked out, thinkin’ somethin’ bad was gonna happen. But she didn’t. She looked at that card and thought real hard. And she figured out it meant she needed to be patient, to take things slow. See? It ain’t always what it looks like at first glance. Gotta dig a little deeper, like plantin’ potatoes.
And another thing, these cards ain’t always right, you know. They just cards, paper with pictures on ‘em. Sometimes folks get it wrong. Maybe they ain’t lookin’ close enough, or maybe they just seein’ what they wanna see. It’s like lookin’ at the clouds, sometimes you see a dog, sometimes you see a bunny rabbit, all depends on how you lookin’ at it.
So, if you’re thinkin’ about tryin’ this retro impression tarot, just remember a few things. It ain’t magic, it’s more like… well, it’s like lookin’ at yourself in a mirror, but the mirror’s kinda cloudy. And don’t expect it to give ya all the answers. It’s more like a guide, a little nudge in the right direction. And most importantly, don’t take it too serious. It’s just cards, after all. Like playin’ a game of Go Fish, but with more pictures.

And remember, your future ain’t set in stone. You got the power to change it, to make your own choices. The cards might give ya some ideas, but you’re the one drivin’ the wagon, see? You hold the reins. You decide where you’re goin’. So don’t go blamin’ no cards if things don’t go your way.
In conclusion, this here retro impression tarot, it’s a tool, nothin’ more. Use it wisely, and don’t expect it to do all the thinkin’ for ya. You gotta use your own head, your own heart. And maybe, just maybe, those pictures can help you see things a little clearer, like cleanin’ the dust off an old photograph.