Well, let me tell ya ’bout this here tarot ascension thing. It ain’t somethin’ I grew up with, y’know? We didn’t have no fancy cards in the sticks. But I heard folks talkin’, and I seen some things, so I figured I’d try and make sense of it for ya.
What in the world is this Ascension anyway? Sounds like somethin’ outta the Bible, doesn’t it? Folks sayin’ it’s about growin’, like a plant reachin’ for the sun, but inside yer soul. Like, you become a better you, I guess. More understandin’, more at peace. They say these tarot cards can help ya with that.

- First off, they got these cards, see? Lots of ’em. Some folks call ’em the Major Arcana. Big important ones, they say. Like the Fool, startin’ somethin’ new, kinda like plantin’ seeds in the spring. Then there’s the Magician, makin’ things happen, like turnin’ water into wine, I reckon. The Tower, that’s a mess, things fallin’ apart, but sometimes ya gotta tear down the old barn to build a new one, right? And the World, that’s when everything comes together, harvest time, when you see all yer hard work pay off.
- Then they got these other cards, smaller ones, the Minor Arcana. They talk about everyday stuff, y’know? Like work, love, money problems. They all got meanin’s, but it ain’t always clear-cut. Ya gotta use yer gut, feel what the cards are tellin’ ya.
Now, this Ascension Tarot, it ain’t just any old deck, they tell me. It’s got some kinda special energy, like a blessin’ or somethin’. It’s supposed to help ya figure yerself out, heal yer hurts, and find yer way. Kinda like havin’ a wise old woman whisperin’ in yer ear, I guess.
How do ya use these cards for spiritual growth? Well, it ain’t magic, not exactly. It’s more like listenin’ to yerself, real close. The cards just give ya a nudge, point ya in the right direction. They say ya gotta trust yer gut, yer intuition. That little voice inside that tells ya what’s right and what ain’t.
It’s like lookin’ in a mirror, but instead of seein’ yer face, ya see yer soul. All the good, all the bad, all the stuff ya been hidin’ from yerself. And it ain’t always pretty, let me tell ya. Sometimes it’s like lookin’ at a field full of weeds, gotta pull ’em out one by one. But that’s how ya grow, right? By facin’ the hard stuff, learnin’ from yer mistakes.
They say tarot readings can show ya the past, the present, and even the future. Now, I don’t know about seein’ the future, that’s God’s business, far as I’m concerned. But lookin’ at the past, that makes sense. Ya gotta understand where ya been to know where yer goin’. And the present, well, that’s where the work is. That’s where ya make the choices that shape yer life.
This here writer, Michaela Scherr, she says ya gotta be excited about this stuff, burstin’ with it. And Dani’el, whoever that is, wrote a little guide to help folks understand what each card means, upright and upside down. I ain’t got no fancy book learnin’, but even I can see that these cards are tryin’ to tell us somethin’. They’re talkin’ ‘bout unity and bringin’ things together. Like a patchwork quilt, all the pieces comin’ together to make somethin’ beautiful and whole.
So, what’s the point of all this ascension stuff? Well, I reckon it’s about becomin’ the best version of yerself. It’s about findin’ peace, findin’ joy, findin’ yer place in this world. It ain’t easy, Lord knows, life throws a lot at ya. But if ya got somethin’ to guide ya, somethin’ to help ya make sense of it all, well, that’s a good thing, ain’t it? And maybe these here tarot cards can be that somethin’ for ya. They can show ya how to turn ideas into somethin’ real, somethin’ that matters. They talk about chaos and renewal, which just sounds like life to me. Ups and downs, good times and bad.

It all sounds a bit fancy to me, all this talk of spiritual and personal growth. But when ya boil it down, it’s just about livin’ a good life, bein’ a good person. And if these cards can help ya do that, well, then I reckon they’re worth lookin’ into. Just remember to listen to yer own heart, that’s the most important thing. Don’t let nobody tell ya what to believe or how to live. Ya gotta figure it out for yerself.
And that’s all I gotta say about this tarot ascension thing. It’s a lot to take in, I know. But like I said, it’s about growin’, learnin’, and becomin’ the best you can be. And ain’t that what life’s all about, anyhow?