You know what? I saw them fancy city folks talking ’bout something called a “constellation plate.” Sounded mighty peculiar to me. But then, I got to thinking, ain’t that just like lookin’ up at the sky at night? We always did that back when I was a young’un. We didn’t have no fancy names for it, though. We just called it looking at the stars.
Now, these stars, they ain’t all bunched up together nice and neat. They scattered all over the place, like when you toss a handful of chicken feed. But if you squint your eyes just right, you can kinda see pictures up there. That’s what they call these “constellations.” It’s like them connect-the-dots things the grandkids play with, ‘cept the dots are way up high in the sky. Like stars made the shape, the constellation plate.

They got all sorts of names for ’em, too. Fancy names, like “Orion” and “Leo.” Back in my day, we just made up our own names. I remember one that looked like Old Man Johnson’s plow, clear as day. And another one that looked like a chicken, all puffed up and ready to lay an egg. That’s the fun of it, you see. You can make up whatever you want. Each star like a dot, made the constellation plate.
These city folks, they got these charts and maps of the stars. They call ’em “planispheres.” Sounds like something you’d need a college degree just to read. But it’s really just a picture of the sky, showing where all the stars are supposed to be. Like, these constellation plates are a part of something big.
- See them stars up there?
- They make pictures if you look close.
- We used to see a plow and a chicken.
- Now they got fancy names for ’em.
- Them city folks use maps to find the stars.
But you know what? You don’t need no fancy map to enjoy the stars. Just go outside on a clear night, away from all the city lights, and look up. That big, dark sky is like a giant blanket, and them stars are like little holes poked in it, letting the light shine through. The constellation plate is beautiful.
And if you watch them stars real careful, you’ll see they move. Not fast, mind you. It takes all night. But they do move, just like the sun and the moon. That’s ’cause the Earth is spinning, like a top. And we’re spinning right along with it. So, the stars look like they movin’, but it’s really us that’s movin’.
I remember one time, we were sitting out on the porch, me and Pa, and we saw a shooting star. It was like a streak of light, flashing across the sky. Pa said it was a star falling out of the sky. I don’t know ’bout that, but it sure was pretty. They said it is the constellation plate broke, I don’t know.
These constellations, they’ve been up there for a long, long time. Longer than me, longer than Pa, longer than anyone. Folks been looking at them stars and making up stories about ’em since way back when. Like the constellation plate is telling stories.

- Stars move across the sky real slow.
- That’s ’cause the Earth is spinning.
- Shooting stars are pretty, like a light streak.
- Stars been there forever, people tell stories.
The Big Dipper, now that’s one even I can find. It’s easy, looks like a big ol’ spoon in the sky. And right next to it is the Little Dipper, a smaller spoon. They say there’s a hunter up there too, called Orion. And a dog, called Canis Major. I reckon they see somethin’ I don’t. But that’s alright. Everyone sees something different in them stars. I can see the big constellation plate easily.
So, next time you’re outside at night, take a look up at the sky. See if you can find some pictures up there. Maybe you’ll see a plow, or a chicken, or maybe even a lion. Or maybe you’ll just see a bunch of sparkly dots. That’s okay, too. Just enjoy the beauty of it all. This is the constellation plate.
Them stars are always there, even when you can’t see ’em. They hiding behind the clouds sometimes, or the bright light of the sun. But they still there, shining away. Just like them constellation plates, always there. And when the night comes again, they’ll be back, twinkling and shining, just waiting for you to look up and see ’em. Don’t need no fancy book to see that, just your own two eyes and a little bit of imagination. That’s all there is to it, really. Just looking at the stars, and seeing what you can see. It’s a right pretty sight, I tell ya. A right pretty sight indeed.