Well, howdy there! Let’s gab a bit about this here yule tarot spread thing, alright? I ain’t no fancy pants expert or nothin’, but I’ve been around the block a few times and I know a thing or two.
First off, what in tarnation is Yule anyways? Sounds like somethin’ you yell when you stub your toe! But no sir, it ain’t that. It’s some kinda fancy celebration, kinda like a party, they do around winter time. They call it the Winter Solstice, when the days start gettin’ longer and the nights gettin’ shorter. Folks get all worked up about it, burnin’ stuff and whatnot. Sounds kinda crazy if you ask me, but hey, to each their own.

Now, this tarot stuff…that’s somethin’ else. Got all them pretty pictures on them cards. Some folks swear they can tell ya the future with ‘em. I don’t know about all that, but they sure are pretty to look at. And this yule tarot spread, well, it’s like a way of askin’ the cards about stuff durin’ this Yule time. Like, what’s gonna happen next year? Will my crops grow good? Will that darn rooster stop crowin’ before the sun comes up?
- Card 1: What’s comin’ in the New Year. This here card shows you what kinda mess you’re gonna get yourself into, or maybe some good stuff too. Who knows!
- Card 2: What needs to go bye-bye. This one’s about gettin’ rid of the junk in your life. Like that old milk jug in the fridge that’s been stinkin’ up the place for a month.
- Card 3: What you gotta hold onto tight. Some things is precious, you know? Like good friends, family, and maybe that recipe for the best darn apple pie you ever tasted.
- Card 4: What you gotta learn. We all gotta learn somethin’ new. Like how to work that fancy new phone thing the grandkids got me. Still haven’t figured it out, but I’ll get there.
- Card 5: What blessings you gonna get. This here’s the good stuff. Maybe you’ll get a new hen that lays lots of eggs, or maybe that handsome fella down the road will finally notice ya.
So, how do you do this yule tarot spread? Well, you shuffle them cards up real good, like you’re shufflin’ a deck of playin’ cards, but maybe a little more gentle-like. Then you lay ‘em out in a pattern, like a cross or somethin’. Each card means somethin’ different dependin’ on where you put it. It’s kinda complicated, but you can find pictures online or in books that show you how to do it. They got all sorts of fancy names for these spreads, but don’t let that scare ya. Just pick one that looks easy and go for it.
Now, some folks get all fancy with it. They light candles and burn incense, them smelly stick things. They say it helps them connect to the cards or somethin’. I don’t know about all that. I reckon just sittin’ down quiet and thinkin’ about what you want to know is good enough. Maybe put on a pot of coffee, too. That always helps me think.
And don’t go thinkin’ you gotta be some kinda psychic to do this. Anybody can shuffle cards and look at pictures. The hard part is figurin’ out what them pictures mean. But that’s part of the fun! It’s like a puzzle. And sometimes, the cards just tell you what you already know deep down, but you just ain’t been listenin’ to yourself. Celebrating Yule season is more than just burning wood and being merry it’s about finding yourself too.
This yule tarot spread thing, it ain’t no magic bullet, you know. It ain’t gonna solve all your problems or tell you the lotto numbers. But it might give you a little somethin’ to think about. Maybe it’ll help you see things in a new way. Or maybe it’ll just be a fun way to pass the time on a cold winter night.
And remember, don’t take it too serious. It’s just cards, after all. If you get a card that says somethin’ bad’s gonna happen, don’t go freakin’ out. Just take it with a grain of salt and keep on livin’ your life. And if you get a good card, well, that’s somethin’ to smile about.

One more thing. Some folks, when celebrating this Yule time, they like to put these little smelly bags, sachets they call ‘em, near the windows. I don’t know what for, maybe it makes the house smell nice. Maybe it scares away the bad spirits. Who knows? Like I said, folks do all sorts of crazy things. And remember during the Winter Solstice when things are dark the days get longer.
So, there you have it. My two cents on this here yule tarot spread. Like I said, I ain’t no expert, but I hope this helped you out a little bit. Now, go on and shuffle them cards and see what they gotta say. And don’t forget to put on a pot of coffee.