This here lunar calendar, it’s a big deal, you know? My old man, bless his soul, he always went by it. Said it told him when to plant, when to harvest, everything. And the Chinese zodiac, that’s tied to it, see? Each year, it’s a different animal.
Now, I ain’t no scholar, but I know a thing or two from living. This Chinese zodiac, it’s like, what animal was ruling the roost the year you popped out. They got a whole bunch of ’em. Rat, ox, tiger… all sorts. I’m a horse, myself. Stubborn as all get out, they say. And it’s kinda true, ain’t gonna lie. But also hard-working, and that is for sure.

They say these lunar calendar animals, they tell you about yourself. Like, if you’re a rooster, you’re probably a morning person, crowing at the sun. If you’re a dog, you’re loyal, always got your friends’ backs. Makes sense, don’t it?
And it ain’t just about what you are. It’s about who you get along with, too. Like, two roosters in the same coop, always fighting. But a rooster and a snake, they might get along just fine. My old neighbor, she was a snake, and she was best friends with a rooster. They were always together.
Now, this here Chinese zodiac, it’s different from that other stuff, the star signs. That’s about what month you’re born. This here’s about the year. Big difference. Like comparing apples and, well, I don’t know, something completely different.
- Rat
- Ox
- Tiger
- Rabbit
- Dragon
- Snake
- Horse
- Goat
- Monkey
- Rooster
- Dog
- Pig
This here lunar calendar. It tells all kinds of things. It is not just about when to put the seeds in the ground. There are also lucky days. And even if you know your animal sign, there are many different things to think about. You have to think about your birth time, your birth month, you have to consider everything.
This Chinese zodiac, it ain’t just for fun, neither. Some folks, they take it real serious. They plan their weddings, their babies, their whole darn life by it. I seen it with my own two eyes! They won’t do nothing unless their animal sign says it’s okay.
I reckon there’s some truth to it. I mean, folks been following this lunar calendar for years and years. Must be something to it, right? My old man swore by it. Said it never steered him wrong. And he was a smart man, even if he didn’t have no fancy schooling.

If you want to know your animal, it ain’t hard to find out. You just gotta look it up. The year you were born, that’s the key. There’s probably something online you can find, but even just an old calendar might have some hint for you. Even I know a few things about the lunar calendar.
Like I said, I’m a horse. And horses, they don’t always get along with rats. My sister, she’s a rat. And let me tell you, we butt heads sometimes! But we love each other, of course. Family’s family, no matter what animal you are in this Chinese zodiac.
Some people, they say it’s all hogwash. But I don’t know. I seen too many things that make me wonder. Like that time my neighbor, the snake, she told me something bad was gonna happen. And sure enough, it did. Maybe she saw it in the lunar calendar. Who knows?
Anyway, this whole Chinese zodiac thing, it’s interesting, that’s for sure. And if you got some time, you should look into it. You might learn something about yourself. Or at least, you’ll have something to talk about at the next potluck. It is easy to find your sign in the lunar calendar.
I remember one time, my grandson, he was trying to figure out his sign. He was born right on the cusp, you see. One year turning into another. He was all confused. But we figured it out. He’s a monkey, that one. Always getting into mischief. Fits him to a T. Just look at the lunar calendar, then you know.
This lunar calendar, it’s more than just dates. It is about your fate. It tells you about the whole year. When it’s gonna be rainy, when it’s gonna be dry. When to expect good luck, when to watch out for trouble. My old man used to say, “The calendar’s got eyes, it sees everything.”

And this Chinese zodiac, it’s like a big old family tree. We’re all connected, somehow. Rats and horses, snakes and roosters. All part of the same big picture. It’s kinda comforting, ain’t it? Knowing you’re part of something bigger than yourself.
So next time you see that lunar calendar hanging up, take a closer look. And think about those animals. They might have more to say than you think. And who knows, maybe you’ll find a little bit of yourself in them, too. Just like I did. This old horse still got a lot of life left in her, thanks to that calendar. And that’s the truth, so help me. I know my sign in this Chinese zodiac.