Well now, let me tell ya a little somethin’ ’bout them runes and tarot cards, and what they’re all about. Some folks, they think one’s better than the other, but I reckon both have their own ways of helpin’ folks out, dependin’ on what kind of answer they’re lookin’ for. Now, these things ain’t the kind of stuff you’ll see in your regular ol’ dictionary, but they sure have been around for a long time, and some people swear by ’em.
Tarot Cards, now that’s a thing a lot of folks seem to be usin’ these days. I remember when I first heard about ‘em, I thought they were just some fancy pictures on cards. But turns out, they’re used to help tell a person’s fortune or give ‘em a little insight into their own feelings and situations. Each card’s got its own meaning, and the way they’re laid out, it’s supposed to tell you somethin’ important.

But you gotta be careful with these cards. Some people get all wrapped up in ’em, thinkin’ they can tell the future for sure. Well, let me tell ya, there ain’t no science behind it. It’s just like askin’ a neighbor for advice. Sometimes, they hit the nail on the head, and other times, they don’t. It’s all about what you believe, and what you take from it.
Now, runes… that’s a whole different story. Runes are stones, or little pieces of wood, with symbols carved on ‘em. And these symbols? Well, they’re supposed to tell you about things that are happenin’ in your life, whether it’s in the past, present, or future. Runes are more about givin’ you the lay of the land, what’s actually goin’ on, and what kind of situation you’re in. They don’t really focus too much on how you’re feelin’ ‘bout somethin’—that’s more for the tarot cards.
Rune Reading or Rune Casting is somethin’ that some folks really get into. They take the runes, cast ‘em out, and see what they land on. It’s like a kind of divination, where the runes can help you understand things like your past mistakes, or what steps to take next in your life. You can even ask the runes for advice on how to handle problems or tough decisions.
Now, don’t go thinkin’ that these things are magic, ‘cause they ain’t. Ain’t no real scientific proof that runes or tarot cards can predict the future, no sir. Some folks say it’s just a matter of how your mind works, playin’ tricks on ya. It’s like when you hear what you wanna hear, and not always what’s really there. But I’ll tell ya, even if they don’t work the way some folks say, they sure do help some people feel a bit more at ease, give ‘em some peace o’ mind when they’re worried ‘bout things.
If you’re lookin’ to get yourself some of these things, you can find all sorts of tarot cards and runes all over the place these days. There’s people makin’ all sorts of fancy custom-made tarot cards, like over on Etsy. You can find some real special ones, just like how Ralph Blum made his own set of Rune Cards—he worked with an artist named Jane Walmsley to make ‘em look a bit more friendly, with pictures and whatnot. Not like the old plain runes, which are just simple symbols.
Where To Find Them

- If you want tarot cards, you can find a big ol’ variety on places like eBay. Just make sure to check around, ‘cause there’s so many different kinds out there.
- For runes, you can get those on Etsy too, or even from some special shops that make ‘em custom. People say the runes you use should feel right in your hand—kind of like how your favorite tool feels when you’re workin’ with it.
- Some folks like to make their own runes, too. If you’ve got the time, you can always carve your own symbols on stones or little bits of wood, and see what kind of answers you get. Ain’t nothing like doin’ it yourself.
So whether you’re lookin’ for tarot cards or runes, I reckon it all comes down to what feels right for you. If you’re tryin’ to understand your feelings or get a glimpse of what might be comin’ your way, tarot cards might be your best bet. But if you need to know what’s really goin’ on, what the facts are, maybe runes will give you the answer you need.
Just remember though, none of this stuff is set in stone. It’s all about what you believe, and how much stock you put into it. Ain’t no harm in givin’ it a try, but don’t go puttin’ all your trust in it like it’s gospel. Sometimes, the answers are right there in front of you, and you just need to see ‘em for what they are.
So go ahead, try ‘em out, and see what you find. But don’t get too caught up in it, and remember to keep a good head on your shoulders.
Tags:[runes, tarot cards, tarot readings, rune casting, divination, spiritual guidance, fortune telling, future predictions]