Oh, honey, you wanna talk about that constellation paint color, do ya? Well, I heard folks talking ’bout it down at the market. Sounds fancy, don’t it? But paint is paint, if you ask me. Still, I reckon folks like these newfangled names. This constellation paint color, it’s like that deep blue you see in the sky on a real clear night. You know, when the stars are just a-twinklin’ and you can see way out yonder. That’s the color they’re talkin’ about, I reckon.
They say this constellation is from something called a “Benjamin Moore”. Never heard of him. Must be one of them city folk. He’s got a whole bunch of colors, this fella, and they put ’em in what they call an “Affinity Collection”. Sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, but I guess it makes them city folks feel good to have all them fancy names for their paints. This one, the constellation paint color is supposed to be real popular, with something like, AF-540 Constellation. I don’t know what that means, probably important for some people.

- That Benjamin Moore fella, he’s got a whole bunch of colors.
- This constellation one is like the night sky, they say.
- Folks in the city, they like these fancy names for paint.
- This color is a real hit, especially in Chicago. Imagine that.
Now, I seen some paints that are bright and some that are dull. This constellation paint color, it ain’t bright, that’s for sure. It’s more of a… a deep color. Like I said, like the night sky. You could paint a whole room that color, I suppose, if you wanted to feel like you were sleepin’ under the stars. Or maybe just one wall, to make it stand out. They say this paint, the constellation paint color is like a 0 to 100 thing. Don’t know what the numbers are, but that’s what they say, 0-100.
They got another fella too, name of Sherwin Williams. He has his own type of constellation paint. I heard it’s like a navy, or an indigo, these city folk words. Probably just as good as the other one, just a different name. This constellation paint color is a whole big thing now, apparently. They have many type of color, but only constellation paint color is really popular.
They say you can get this constellation paint color in a spray can, too. Fancy that! Spray paint! Back in my day, we just had brushes. And we liked it that way! But I guess times are changin’. They say this spray paint is real good, dries fast and lasts a long time. You can use it inside or outside. Well, I’ll be. This constellation, it’s a real modern marvel, ain’t it? It’s even good for walls and ceiling, I saw the words that it is durable, whatever that means.
And get this, they even got a special place where you can save your favorite colors. Like you got a little book of colors. They call it “PaintPerks.” Now, isn’t that somethin’? Keepin’ track of your colors and your orders and all that. I guess if you’re paintin’ a lot of houses, that might be useful. But for me, I just like a nice, simple color. Like that constellation paint color, I suppose. It’s a pretty color, even if it does have a fancy name. This constellation, it’s got people talkin’, that’s for sure.
I remember one time, my old man painted our whole porch swing that color. Took him all day, bless his heart. He said he wanted it to match the sky when we sat out there at night. It was real pretty, I have to admit. But he used the wrong paint, and it started peelin’ after just one summer. So, you gotta be careful with your paint, even if it is that fancy constellation paint color. Make sure you get the right kind, or you’ll be doin’ it all over again next year, honey.
- You can use that constellation spray paint inside or outside.
- There’s a thing called PaintPerks to save your colors.
- Make sure you use the right kind of paint, even the constellation one.
- That constellation is a real pretty color, like the sky.
But this constellation paint color, it’s got people talking’. It’s like that time everyone started wearin’ them overalls with the holes in ’em. Didn’t make no sense to me, payin’ good money for clothes with holes. But everyone was doin’ it. This constellation, it’s kinda like that. It’s the in thing. But like I always say, what really matters is what you like. If you like that constellation paint color, then you go right ahead and paint your house with it, honey. Don’t you worry what anyone else thinks. Unless, of course, it starts peelin’. Then you might regret it. Then you will know, this constellation paint color is not good for you.

You need to find a good paint, honey, that will last. But if you want that night sky look, well, then that constellation paint color might just be the one for you. Just make sure you get that good kind, the kind that don’t peel. And maybe get a little extra, just in case. You never know when you might need to touch up a spot or two. That’s what my old man always said. Always have a little extra paint on hand, just like this constellation paint color. You never know when you might need it.