This thing, what they call She Wolfe Tarot, sounds like a whole bunch of hooey to me. But my granddaughter, she’s all into it. Says it helps her figure things out. I don’t know about all that, but I guess if it makes her happy, it ain’t hurtin’ nobody.
She got these cards, see, with all kinds of pictures on ’em. Wolves and women, stars and moons, all that kinda stuff. Says this one lady, Devany Wolfe, made ’em up. She Wolfe Tarot cards. Sounds wild to me.

She Wolfe Tarot Cards
My granddaughter, she lays these She Wolfe Tarot cards out in a special way, calls it a “spread.” Then she looks at ’em real hard and says they tell her things. About her life, you know? What she should do, what she shouldn’t do.
- First time I saw it, I thought she’d gone plum crazy.
- Talking to cards, honestly!
- But she seems to think it helps, so I just let her be.
She says these She Wolfe Tarot cards, they got some kind of special meaning. Like, if she gets the wolf card, that means she’s gotta be strong and brave. Like a wolf, I guess. And there is this She-Wolf, she half wolf and half woman! It’s all very strange. If she gets some other card, it means somethin’ else. I can’t keep track of it all, to tell you the truth.
What The She Wolfe Tarot Do?
My granddaughter says this She Wolfe Tarot helps her listen to her “intuition.” That’s a fancy word for gut feeling, I reckon. She says everyone’s got it, but most folks don’t pay it no mind. These cards, they help her hear it better, she says. She Wolfe Tarot make her trust herself.
She’s been reading these She Wolfe Tarot cards for a while now, and I gotta say, she does seem a bit more… settled. Like she knows where she’s goin’ in life. Used to be, she was all over the place, couldn’t make up her mind about nothin’. Now, she’s got this… this focus, I guess you’d call it.
She Wolfe Tarot and the Woman
There are some people saying that She Wolfe Tarot is about that woman power. Don’t know if I buy that. But my granddaughter, she sure does seem more confident these days. Stands up for herself more. Don’t take no guff from nobody. Maybe there is somethin’ to it, after all. Like that She-Wolf, half woman and half wolf. Alpha Female!
Learning She Wolfe Tarot
My granddaughter, she tried to teach me how to read these She Wolfe Tarot cards once. Showed me all the pictures, told me what they meant. But it was all too much for me. I couldn’t remember any of it.

- She said I gotta study the cards, learn what each one means.
- Said I gotta practice every day, like learning my ABCs all over again.
- She even showed me some books about it. Big, thick books. Made my head spin just lookin’ at ’em.
I told her, “Honey, I’m too old for all this. My brain’s full up already.” But she just laughed and said I was never too old to learn somethin’ new. Maybe she’s right. But I think I’ll just stick to my garden. That’s enough learnin’ for me.
She Wolfe Tarot Is a Map
My granddaughter says this She Wolfe Tarot is like a map. A map of your life, she says. Shows you where you been, where you are, and where you might be goin’. I don’t know about all that. Sounds a little far-fetched to me. But then again, I never did put much stock in maps anyway. Always preferred to just follow my nose.
She say She Wolfe Tarot is a map for your spirit. Help you find way, whatever that mean. My spirit doing just fine, thank you.
But I guess if these She Wolfe Tarot cards help my granddaughter find her way in this crazy world, then they can’t be all bad. Maybe there’s somethin’ to this whole “spirituality” thing after all. Or maybe it’s just a bunch of hooey. Who knows? Not me, that’s for sure. I’m just an old lady who likes to watch things grow. And if these cards help my granddaughter grow into a strong, confident woman, then I’m all for it. Even if I don’t understand it one bit.
This She Wolfe Tarot, maybe it good, maybe it bad. But help my girl. That good enough for me. She happy, I happy.