Well, howdy there! Let’s talk about them zodiac calendar dates. I ain’t no scholar, mind you, but I’ve heard folks chatterin’ about this stuff for ages, so I reckon I can piece it together for ya.

Now, first off, they say there’s these things called zodiac signs, and each one’s got its own time of year. Like, there’s Aries, which they say is from around March 21st to April 19th. Them Aries folks, they’re supposed to be like rams, you know, headstrong and all that. Always butting heads, I tell ya!
Then comes Taurus, from April 20th to May 20th. They say them Taurus people are like bulls, stubborn as can be. Good workers, though, I hear. Always plowin’ ahead, no matter what.
Next up is Gemini, from May 21st to June 20th. Geminis, they’re like twins, two-faced some folks say. Can’t ever make up their minds, always flittin’ around like butterflies. But they’re good company, always got a story to tell.
- And then there’s Cancer, June 21st to July 22nd. They say Cancers are homebodies, always clingin’ to their families like crabs to a rock. Sensitive souls, them Cancers.
- After that, you got Leo, July 23rd to August 22nd. Leos, they’re like lions, proud and loud. Love to be the center of attention, always roarin’ about somethin’.
- Then comes Virgo, August 23rd to September 22nd. Virgos are picky, I tell ya. Always fussin’ and fixin’ things, tryin’ to make everything perfect. Good organizers, though. Can’t deny that.
- And you can’t forget about Libra, September 23rd to October 22nd. Libras are all about balance, tryin’ to keep everything fair and even. Can’t stand a fight, always tryin’ to make peace.
Now, things get a little spooky with Scorpio, from October 23rd to November 21st. Scorpios are intense, like scorpions. Got a sting to ’em, you know what I mean? Secretive types, always holdin’ their cards close to their chest.
Then you got Sagittarius, November 22nd to December 21st. Sagittarians are like archers, always aimin’ for somethin’ new. Love to travel and explore, can’t sit still for a minute. Free spirits, them Sagittarians.
And then there’s Capricorn, from December 22nd to January 19th. They’re like goats, always climbin’ to the top. Hard workers, them Capricorns. Always focused on their goals. Serious as a judge, too.

Aquarius is next, from January 20th to February 18th. Aquarians are different, I tell ya. Always marchin’ to the beat of their own drum. Got their heads in the clouds, dreamin’ up big ideas. Little bit odd, but good-hearted folks.
And last but not least, you got Pisces, from February 19th to March 20th. Pisceans are like fish, always swimmin’ in two different directions. Dreamy and sensitive, always lost in their own little world. But kind souls, real sweethearts.
Now, I heard some folks talkin’ about a new fella in the zodiac, somethin’ called Ophiuchus. They say it’s supposed to fit in there somewhere between Scorpio and Sagittarius. I don’t know much about it, but it sounds like a bunch of hogwash to me. Been twelve signs for as long as I can remember, and that’s good enough for me.
So, there you have it. The zodiac calendar dates, as best as I can tell ya. Now, I don’t put too much stock in this stuff myself, but it’s fun to think about sometimes. Just remember, it ain’t the stars that make ya who you are, it’s what’s in your heart.
And don’t forget about them moon cycles neither! They say the full moon and new moon have a powerful effect on things. I don’t know about all that, but I can tell ya, the animals act a little crazy when the moon is full. Maybe there’s somethin’ to it after all.
Anyways, that’s all I got to say about the zodiac calendar. Hope it made some sense to ya. If not, well, don’t go blamin’ me. I’m just an old woman tryin’ to make sense of the world, just like everybody else.

Tags: [zodiac calendar, aries, taurus, gemini, cancer, leo, virgo, libra, scorpio, sagittarius, capricorn, aquarius, pisces, ophiuchus, astrology, dates, horoscope, moon cycles]